Sunday, January 30, 2011

Free Cataract Surgery Atlanta





Imagine being drunk hangover facts finished in the brain body core asshole, and wake up at noon and a half, after just a few hours of sleep, which was launched in a spectacular scenario from alcohol still working enough to keep you from understanding things like the edges of furniture, doors, furniture, handles, dishes, ready to hurt foes in a permanent.

arrivals hall after you washed in the head with a lie, a thousand paranoid, the discography of Conjure tattooed in the DNA - that want to play at being cool but you know you're just a failed drive can celebrate because the company let him.

Lie jump, skip the story jumps around, and I feel a child again, with the ball under the butt.

remember them? The balloons

A QUELLLLLLI LLLLLA then jumped on boing boing, and were doing the races who came first.

In life you do in the race who comes first in every area, except that the sweep.

Because I have discovered with sluts female (not talking about the whores NON-male trans) is a different race, that is, to what society has put in mind the clitoris, as a result the whole human body, the race is A COMING LATER, AFTER, DO NOT GET FIRST, FIRST, NOW, GET AFTER, Senna 'I do not dilate A WAY THAT THE STORY A MOTHER, THAT IS TO SAY' YES 'It was a good fuck lasted only sixteen hours? Moral of this

Dante Asian metaphor in the form of fairy tale?

Go to the gym, ask for steroids - it helps to get stronger muscles, - but never, never, never, never, ever, rely on relatives.

Your family loves you because God loves himself.

Dissatisfied with the outcome

God that time has inflicted on his flesh, sending a younger version of himself to earth to die in the shit and bring various people who do not iparerà nothing but subduing others.

Finally, back to the wall, the nail. He talks to young

old but he can not see (it is in heaven!) And forgive the perpetrators, who he slam his cock so much to put vinegar in your mouth and stab in the ribs, as if the crucifixion was a country walk.

God himself does not know what to say silent and then leaves to hang himself three days.


him, namely the young part of himself, lineage after three days, take it, pull down dall'attaccapanni, then throw in a cave so that necrophiliacs can not rail against the body, then there's the surprise ending that is raised.

not the ending.

him dead youth back to life, goes around, does the sborone then returns to heaven by himself.

A fantastic metaphor to describe how to make peace with the turbulent part of ourselves.

But you wonder: the magic multiplication type and walk at the foot of water, you could not do it before tettantadue saving you hours of agony over several pages of narrative depressing?

We hate HATE OURSELVES AS WE KNOWINGLY, Or unconsciously, our family.

is why now I go to Magna beyond the crisps (at 43 minutes exactly from waking up too early).

I think today will be a short post, so I want to talk about a true story that I was quite upset.

you later.



Manco took a trip in a closet for a one meter along with Charles Manson, Sharon Tate, John Paul and one of his daughters Sestronzo secret of ketamine stoned after a rave! Virtually

aunt said that I do not know who said not to know what that was not worthy to do in the evening. In TV there was

una che si chiama belen, una bella figliola che dimostra una trentina d'anni, però poi ho appreso che in realtà ne ha una ventiquattrina, e l'hanno assunta per sorridere, sculettare, assecondare anatomicamente le proporzioni dei peni/falli di favore, i quali lei s'interseca nell'organismo per ottenere favori di potere o chissà che.

Sorride, sculetta ovviamente, nella pubblicità.

È su un campo di calcio virtuale, si vede che il campo è fatto al computer e ti chiedi: “La singolarità tecnologica è vicina, la legge dei ritorni accelerati non ha mai fallito; gli costava troppo, fa' la pubblicità su un campo vero?”.

Non dice niente per far appurare al consumatore che effettivamente non sa parlare nessun linguaggio a parte quello del cazzo in culo.

Sorride ammiccante, s'avvicina al pallone sculettando, da un calcio, e fa un gol virtuale da lontano e vicino.
Il popolo italiano esulta.
È una chiara metafora di ogni terrone (dalla Valle d'Aosta alla Sicilia) che può scoparsi la figlia senza incorrere in sanzioni penali.

Finisce la pubblicità, io scappo.

Rieccomi tornato per il secondo round di patate fritte (ovviamente io sono vegetariano in quanto combatto coscienziosamente il sistema e la fallocrazia di mia madre, perciò in qualche modo devo fare) alla tastiera mi sento esistenzialmente appesantito.

Esistenzialmente and disgusting.

Who created the french fries?

From where?

What purpose do they have? As far as I know


car I ask myself important questions.

advertising that has made the n'altra time in three minutes.

Music ue ue ue ueeeeeeeeeel said.

God said co co co diiiiiiiiiiioooooooo.

is not a curse.
is self-defense.

Ooooooohhhh, nzomma a cock and begin on another post, this was one of my introductions as they could, COULD, but not last as long, enough, if I dwell on the sublime shortage in my pants.

I promised you a reflection on a man who cone (n) scevamo all good, I, you, you, us, them.

He was taken when she was still harboring a larva, more than a year after the departure.
A militant. Marcia and did not kidnap crear no hesitation.
A great man.
a hero. A Mason
extreme level.

Hello Maik.
Thanks for everything.
How did the guy in the video library of my own country when he died Gassman.
attacked a sign in the window. VITTORIO

I remember Victor as well Maik.
I say thanks for all the rent I have paid.
E bills. And the dinners from

... I guess I'm starting to foretaste of the taste of direct use "K" as the young, forgetting the "C".

I provide, I would not like that one day the blog becomes a blog written in CODICEFISCALESE.

TVUKDB XKE 6 L M10 < 3

... Did you know that the young, the young man accustomed to meat, declarations of love written on the walls using the language from chat?

I once read: FURIO Scartozzi TI <3

I know asked how, you'll love a child (a minor <) PER BEN TRE VOLTE?


Figliola, review your priorities.
I do not say a nun, but it does' feel dad that all those sacrifices are unsuccessful in your moods vaginal.


time another plate of french fries.

Yes I have to.
seems to be in short Rezza.
ARE YOU satisfied?

I'll be back in five minutes.

Here I am!

Easy, deal with the keyboard.
Nte judge.
Nte warns.
As long as you have at least one finger out of ten.

Ok, ok, I promise, then I start.
... that is beyond the situation in shtà fffa nderessande.

Meaning: a cryptic question wise more awareness Master added together ...

In short, my cousin, seeing the pathetic display of my books, my knowledge of my groin Columbus full of pus and dead ask me
- the beast 666 E 'A BOOK Satan?

answer that is the biography of an influential magician.
She says: - Oh, no, I thought it was a satanic book. Volunteer
, baritone voice lowered with more than 16 eighth replied: - Yes, it is.
Fell silent on the table populated by: my aunt and my grandmother, asked Berlusconi, mother pretended convinced communist, trade unionist because my father did not understand that the word meant, however, the name attracted him as a beautiful oil on a cracker made of crack al ricevimento degli zii di Vancouver (se vuoi fare lo scrittore devi creare similitudini e metafore complicate, altrimenti poi ti dicono NO, A QUELLO LA' NON SA SCRIVERE).

Detto questo parlo della presa di coscienza.
Lo faccio in breve.
Senza prefazioni.
Senza narrativizzazioni privatizzate dell'oggettivo svolgimento degli accadimenti.
In maniera pura.
Senza ogm che poi te fanno 'ngrassà.

Giunto il tempo di sparecchiare, piatti sporchi, sguardi tronfi, mia madre è arrivata a un livello di sublimazione esistenziale degna di un Eckart Tolle e di un Buddha d'altri tempi.

Due tipi di pasta diverse (una al ragù di carne, the other lasagna with vegetables), schnitzel (ie dead animal meat mixed with bread crumbs chicken through abortion, I know 'vegetarian know how cool and above-average? VE MUST WEIGH'!!!).

Then I let myself go e. ..
so does the human smuggling.

Two different pasta dishes (but when it comes the party of maik bongiorno?), Schnitzel, fried olives, potato chips, oranges fried steamed (this was to make the funny guy but I failed miserably) bread, ham, melon, wine, coca cola ...


... heard that show.

After that my mother, nell'angolino sitting right, red shorts, weight 135 pounds FROM NAKED, looking disconsolate the sink full of dishes mega e. ..


I think SO 'Kitchen MBO' TOO. Start a

rivoler love my mother.

I re-evaluated.

Despite the hatred, bitterness, resentment, all those things listed there in the novels of escape.

So 'belongings.

not get me started, though I know that the public likes, know dell'allllltri cocks.

We are five pages of dung.
I never expected to last up to innnannnnzi 'I point first to thoroughly examine the issue of the gutted Bongiorno.

I admit it.
The speeches of those who pretend to be my natural parents (so I have adopted, transplanted into a system of beliefs aberrant family) are very interesting, even stuffed in implicit spiritual messages.

think that, considering that I live in a hole apartment korea unhealthy, I sat on a sofa bought almost a year ago, for the first time.

do not know me, you do not know my financial situation (the mother still gives me the money for the coffee, and when I can find work when they are fleeting prey to fleeting works).

That noble chair my mother bought it for the dog.

With such a statement is normal thinking - Cristaccio thief, buy a seat for a dog, how many fucking money we have?

not true.
Each morning, the inclusion of the petrol pump in the tank when I filled in the Mercedes, I am aware of my choices.

(openoffice is making me understand that in this post I misused the term "Aware").

... a sign from above.

Zia said: - When you die, you're in debt, who makes the payments? Children.

After a sentence like bowing, prostrating reverential, it seems only the beginning of an endless series of activities aimed at worship.

I have almost finished the space of canonical sei foglie di blog.

Perciò inizio a trattare la questione che m'ha spinto a scrivere il post di questa settimana.

Futile dire che lo tratterò con formaldeide, vista la natura necrofila, il seme rigor mortissoso della vicenda.

Sì, vi hanno fatto cresce proprio bbbbbbe'.

... nel senso: se sopportate tutto 'st'orrore fino qua mi sa che ci stà qualcosa che non va, al limite...

No, è che seduta affianco a me c'è un'amica di zia, sessanta anni (belle frequentazioni per una quarantenne, no?), pesantissima, che soffre di demenza senile and is usually the pockets of my pitiful lunch (brrrrrrrr, god!) family.

is next to meet like Mike Bongiorno. The
speak evil behind all.
Yet it comes to lunches.
short, with her present (what the fuck do you think of a situation of shit, I laugh at us, but I feel that at human vileness should be a priceless) were talking about the suicide of his suicide, stuff like "In this state I do not go out, sleeping pills and I'd take three out. "

With her standing there.

At one point my cousin said, "Mom, please, otherwise I'll kill myself." Zia says, "No, I'm going to kill me."
I said - I'd love to be there when it happens, make a movie on her cell phone, to become popular on youtube.
They laughed and agreed: "Yes ssssssì.

I opened my arms, I declaimed: "A suicide clean and quiet, that does not bother anyone. No noise. Senzhhha gives fassshhhhtidio to nisciù.

I'm not saying that there was applause but almost.

The joke is great when short-lived.
why life is pathetic.

Mike Bongiorno was like a foster father, indeed, effective for many of us. More
generations have enjoyed the benefits brought / made by the grand master Bongiorno of the temple. He cheered
afternoons, evenings whole, when we did not know what to say or think.

It was much more than a wonderful hollow filled neurons.

Among other things there was a silence and he, as an omnipresent omniscient god.

brings wisdom and advice (for purchases).

The life hath been evil befalls him, God has called him to also benefit from this' mammoth holiness.

Think of god is the head of everything ... yet even he was homesick for Maik. You can not

shtà 'no.

I appeal directly to the kidnappers of the corpse.

hath THAT FACT THAT Poor man (now worms).

Pecci 'VE La Plata CO' HIM?!


WHY 'YOU WANTED deny us the pleasure of having a place Where were all together to praise?!

More than three generations have had for his father Mike Bongiorno.

A pious woman like Antonella Elia has also got into it. Despite that history there

penny against the fur on the animal.

What makes me angry, the catalytic core of my disagreement really concerns the aberrant unhealthy sensitivity - reversed - of the kidnappers, anything but prescient.

Why did not you kidnapped when he was alive? We bring in more ... I hope.

take more questions.

One dies.
should rot in without his consent.
has less control when he was speaker.

Once you speak no more, and six to throw, what need is there to claim the body?!

Relatives shocked, incredulous, MIKE Give us back.

Now I speak to you, RELATIVES AND DEAR ALL. A couple of balls

born of incest between brothers, sons of cousins \u200b\u200bhave re-dig a hole for old time immemorial to fuck a pile of rotting worms and bone splinters.

will call and want money in exchange for an unclean storage multicellular in full-proliferation.

fuck you care?!

That's dead, nature prevented him to continue to clip your cock and balls with the advertising and games ass shit you not to think about anything and YOU are upset?


often, almost always we complain of our purchases, we are not satisfactory.


penis NOT 'THE MIGHTY AS Millant TELESHOPPING (lu m hurt and fuck s'ha imbiccolito well !!!). Why spend money

inflaters public debt to re-buy something you threw that was thrown because he was going to hurt?

How do you to upset (too sober) ?????

Give us back Mike?


It turns out the human soul.

just pure, selfish, JEALOUSY.

We rode the fact that something that was "your" there has been subtracted.

Nobody can own anything or anyone.

"What have I got you" you are in is' possessed by a dead man. If you have

Call the exorcist, the devil, if you have the body of Mike caller MONDIAL CASA already waiting for you after you've picked up the phone?

There are many questions in this book, in fact still beyond me how one can be dismayed for the second loss of the loved one.


Let's pretend that my mother is the person ("what" ... so sad) most of my life.

Schiatta. After a year

steal the corpse.

ask me the ransom to get it back in my underground.

front of the cameras of the news I would say, in the Italian manner, correct, corrupt, plus all the things there that characterize our populace ignorant Chiesara beam line Communist dictatorships of shit hypocrites:

A CORPSE STOLEN OLD enough to be ready to provide 'WORMS TO ALL FISHERMEN Antarctica, and I should GIVE money to get me GIVE THAT can of worms?
say to yourself, THE WORLD, THE CORPSE DISCOVERED THAT YOU WANT, BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE THE COURAGE, FOR 'THE MOTHER VI beaten when I have not had TASKS AND YOU HAVE SO MUCH DIGESTIBLE repolarization your beliefs about the afterlife'.

do not know who holds the copyright on the official LIFE AFTER DEATH.
WHO WE ARE 'GONE, ANOTHER WORLD NOT 'could return to tell, Exceptions made for those who sometimes go to PROGRAMS COSTANZO the contrary to blurt THE REPORT OF AN EXPERIENCE POST MORTEM (and back) full-blown.

be honest: I admit to yourself that AT LEAST YOU'VE DONE FOR YOU A GIFT.


hath been 'decomposed.




I only say, with a hint of Remora: BE CAREFUL NOT TO LET U.S. KEEP THE DOG.

THOSE THE 'Magna everything, even garbage.



Thank you all.
See you next Sunday.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

How To Mount Arrow Rest On A Recurve Bow





jinx TOP CURSE OF THE WEEK: I was born a quadriplegic son, and for sorrow, a stroke can affect your ill health.

temperatures below zero in New York. Recorded peak of 40 °. Denies God: "God damn me and when I created. Always there with me the pijiate? You are always in Roppe's penis in my mother's co 'all silly lllle prayers. Piàtevela co 'it every now and then, right? Eh. "

Seriously (I touched something indefinite copyright of mo come and take me) I think that in a pure and true democracy like ours, the state secret, the secret investigation of the secrets in general are the lifeblood of a prosperous. Long as there are secrets between the people and governments, between parents and children, between husbands and wives love, truth and justice will triumph as objectively showed us all those essential films with which we grew up, helping to form our own soggettivissimo, personal critical foolproof, thanks to which we are always changing for the better this wonderful world, until we succeed in eradicating the scourge of drugs and terrorism, so that when everyone and I mean all the terrorists (born or not) and doped (ie well as those who spend too much time in front of the TV) will be eradicated without leaving any trace, will win a new sun brighter, the air disinquinerà voluntarily we will all live happily in harmony co 'all the gods and incontrovertibly exist objectively.

I love the sincerity of this perfect world. Fuck You
the Martians, I want to stay on the ground. Rocco Siffredi

think that has run on the side of the god supreme leader Prime Minister saying that it is laudable to support usable erections at 74-odd (in the back of) years.
Rocco Siffredi I have always admired because it is a great actor and artist who has won the nature, providing a tool to smooth, renovate, decorate, motivate entire nations.
is thanks to him that the sun gets hotter every year and prosperous. This is why I sided with Rocco Siffredi saying not only is it good to be patriotic and nationalistic, even when not needed (if ever need one?). We must push the accelerator and the art of feeling so.

Sorry, the effect of heroin is finished, I returned pessimistic, adolescent and tedious.
It was not me!

felt that bitch on Wikileaks, I could not help but notice how the concepts of "government" and "army" are completely unchallenged. When
visiono or read works on popular revolts, the kind that the masses gasano or type V for Vendetta Fight Club, I smile thinking that it is reasonably possible the existence of Jesus, Muhammad and all other coalition force from the dark side.

The pope continues unperturbed to shoot shit, I must say with admirable success. The other day I got a laugh sincere, not the usual laugh hatred regret.
There he and the undisputed leader of Italian morale sitting side by side in a pose dolcestilnovista to say the least, so immortalized immortal for printing and for the subjects. From

The headline referred to the lack of morality. Have you seen

A serbian movie?
Imagine the last five minutes of film shot them other than as Srdjan Spasojevic.

After the gifted actor porno Milosh found that your ass is breaking is that of his young son, and that the hooded man beside him is his brother, who is breaking through the ass of his wife, the effect of the stimulant for horses that the director had given the poor Milosh vanishes, and all of a sudden return to friends.

Milosh makes a ninety points sphincter son's horribly compromised and all go to make a nice picnic in the midst of an endless, green lawn.


Yes, I know, this is the vision we have, we could not be more optimistic than that. Think of the sheer sense of humor to themselves New Yorkers.

Foreword. In New York, if you do not take at least 6 different types of anti-psychotic drugs for depression and attacks of rage and panic you marginalize the social fabric, as you see it as a foreign terrorist and potentially dangerous.
"Why do not drool? Are you a infector ", is one of the phrases are told daily psychotropic deserters.
'Nzomma New York when you walk, you happen to meet someone, that someone, the question "How are you?" Responds: "Great. Wonderful. Yeah. The sympathy is that maybe you've caught ten minutes from the voluntary and murdered his family full of shiny, including the poor kitty Astolfo (though she was 14, already had long since embarked on Sunset Boulevard).

how it works.

In Iran, the world capital of rhinoplasty (for the rest of the country is a shit, if you're a woman the worse for you!) Each year are based on well-nose 35,000 people.

There was this studio full of Iranian media (without nose patatauncino can not be said to be a seller of fine carpets), each with her nose redone. The interviewer asks: "What the fuck are you doing quaddentro, you need to re-redo the nose? Do not accept a pretty nose redone? ". A beautiful, handsome, physically and morally free lady says: "I came to make an appointment for my husband." That was a touching scene. I imagined the poor husband, a shy and awkward tappetaio secretary, who has the courage to go get an appointment for a nose job because he is ashamed, so much so that when work will ask the doctors to cover their eyes every two minutes why can not bear to gaze upon himself, so much inside.

From this minute and a half documentary is shocking news out two as the lady who appears and says: "Sorry, I know sbajata, however, continue to pray and Combre them my keychain." The first

sconcertatura disconcerting about a radical morphological change of the entire nation. Now that almost nobody has his nose as the original madonna give it to him (provided that they bought six candles of Padre Pio branded Madonna as a lifting of Prada), Iran is becoming more Westernized even on an aesthetic level, denying its roots and drowning in blood and splinters bone (for rifarti nose before you have to destroy him and crush with a hammer).

I think that within five years, Iran will come out characters like Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler.
without training!
Puri, original, true iranian people.

The second disturbing distortion of reality is that artists do not tappetoidi but still Iranians Iranian women have begun to paint ... nose redone.
was amazing: was 'I'm painting with' woman's face with the usual disconsolate and convinced that being treated as an incubator walking on two feet is a good thing that more and more disconsolate n'altra, looked out from behind the spetattori its magnificent patch anti infection that stroking a quarter of a face.

The woman in the study justified this way: "We are free, intelligent, crazy and rebellious Iranian women anything but submissive to fallocrazia of our beloved pigs tappetai aquiline nose facing the 6 o'clock means the gold-hooked nose facing in the direction 'where lies the male penis - we go back to the nose because, since we are so free not having to put a dick shawl around her head even when the thermometer touches the forty and freezers thaw in armistice, joyous waving the white flag and focuses on the perfection of her face. We found the face, just that - otherwise we infibulated kicked in the backside-we have only the appearance of our face to seduce men and human feelings useful. Of course, if we find the lover murano live while we pour vitriol in the face until they take the form of a deity zoomorphic. So we apologize and some even to pray, but the game worth the candle and the motor is as good as a piston.

The way I think now that the technology is growing exponentially we no longer basic problems, not to say "obsolete" as the problems of indoor lighting.

A game is an enjoyable pastime while waiting for a tumor is to do justice.
If a game is as good as a candle means that it is a game that does not deserve.

we had been in the Pleistocene would have said: "Damn, this game is so much fun that you could easily equate to a candle to those that allow us to continue to make us even when our cocks go to the sun god of fuck ass mountains. "

Bits Based on a program called grim, handling TOPICS FOOD.

"Can you cook?".

Ask a whore in a cooking show host if he can cook is like asking a priest: - Resist without blaspheming when the little children bend to pick up the box cadutogli while parents are present?

The master chef, his two meters high, conferred by a pair of shoes aesthetically satisfying as the carcass of a blade in the desert, with ridiculous stilts worthy of a supreme master of juggling advanced, the smiles of those who do knows a lot longer because it was received there by his father haunting the first communion and says, "If I cook? As a good Neapolitan yes. " The presenter

biting her lip, and after having established the origin geografica dell'ospite in studio ripolarizza la domanda. “Quindi sai anche sparartela come si deve”.

E l'ospite: “Da buona napoletana sì!”

Mi chiedo se l'ospite, oltre che cucinare bene e spararsela bene sappia anche spacciare bene. A spacciare mica sono buoni tutti, ci vogliono un bel paio di pacchi di nervi saldi.

Comunque, per quello che posso ipotizzare, predìco che lei, da buona napoletana... sì.

Ora faccio un sondaggio tra voi, miei amati lettori.
Secondo le vostre umilissime opinioni... da buon napoletano... sì.

Chiedevo: secondo voi, chi sono i benestanti?

Si fa riferimento a quelle persone che physical appearance to match the profile and economic characters narrated in the first becere films of renowned filmmaker Gabriele Muccino, or are people they can find peace and serenity without the assumption of no dust, or liquid pharmaceutical candy?

In the meantime, I'm going to have a good track.
... a good Italian.

What do you understand?
meant a track with the bike. If you do not like pasta, deception, and a soft dictatorship by a man dressed in black who fucks your children in the name of his fictitious employer, more ROSSI DOCTOR you can not call yourself a true Italian.

Thanks to my vintage amp I could find such a distortion Retro remember guitar solos of Lynyrd Skynyrd.
I got behind the wheel dell'ibanez Rg bought many years ago, I took down note for note solo masterpiece of Free Bird.

After the third time I run it properly, it is estimated that 87 terminally ill well be miraculously healed.

The trouble is that, as usual, the lady and another couple of saints have taken all the credit, leaving me as an asshole on the roadside begging.

was my chance to be levied, my chance like Rocky - but he has had 6; occhei, diluted in almost forty years, but what the hell - and they sent me in smoke, because the saints are employees.

He enjoys fame and success can not be without it. When I interviewed with clasped hands in prayer and trimmed nonsense - not heard this term from school when the teacher was too clean and polite to tell me face things as they were: "You did a bitch," nothing but nonsense - to Interviewers come from the local broadcasters from around the world, thinking about the importance of values \u200b\u200band the family.

The truth is something else, like a fir uncomfortable in the ass on the side of the secular roots.

do not believe it: tonnarelli ... exist. Even OpenOffice
not marked as critical egregious misconduct highlighted red as menstruation.

Even "menstruation" does not give error: I had underestimated openoffice, I did more puritanical, as it is set in the Italian language and Italian is a citizen who did not rebel in twenty years of Fascism, to fifty years of Christian democracy and another twenty-odd years of managerialism microcephalic hair transplant.

If you write about "Google" transplant, the first term is suggested HAIR. Now no longer in fashion that I know the place, smashed a liver or a pancreas wear.
We give a fuck of death, the important thing is look decent.

Jonah Who Lived in the Whale lived well or poorly lived?
Living in a macro, they are not parasites, I figure it as a vision of vernacular ... shhhtrana.
Come on up, but I put some things in his head!

bontempone Also on Google.
Typing "E 'dead' come out, in order: Lino Banfi, promissory notes, the Octopus Paul (Paul chicccazzo is octopus?) Pregadio and, gran, grand finale" E 'dead point.

I did not think that the Italians were so attached to Lino Banfi. As for who will pay say first that enlightens me google, I saw "I'll pay" as the future perfect tense of the verb to pay. On

iutubb, flat-spotted one of the most viewed video on the front page there is another yet another movie that denounces bankers, seigniorage, the public debt, blah blah blah.

Elio s'ostina to compose songs on rediogovernatorpadrone, proving once again that we are powerless, because the satire is just a mere tool to give more power to dictators with the power to punish the traitors to beatings in the ass.

If I feel I Luttazzi piss on his head. Using
But the bird of Carlin or Hicks.

And speaking of 'history is between the President and attractive girls, fantastic interview a few days ago.
In practice she has fucked.
Apparently they have embraced their dark blue cashmere blanket and target the eternal star of the holy firmament our award-winning rider made her a caress refusing his advances: "I'm too big for you."
She replied: "decrepit, if anything. I do not think big. " It is

arrived Tatanka!
not ask me how I got there.
Cristodio that "music" shit.
Truzzetti tangled up, try to crash into other days, to the infamous Saturday night.

Need music psychopaths?
Council of Daito Manabe.
What music do?
The problem is "with what make it ".
In short: he plays the eyelids, cheeks, nose, eyebrows and mouth. Futile
say it is not a serial killer in the throes of totemic stage that in order to prolong the pleasure by the Act resulted in the final murder murderess gets to play with body parts of victims by creating amulets ears with fingers and teeth, divertendocisi like a cobra in a cage of newborn hamsters. I'm very psycho

linked sensors able to capture the movements and facial portions of the above, guided by a metronome in the background, creates rhythmic sounds by moving the facial muscles.


What we do in life echoes in eternity.
This alone is enough to ensure that drugs are legalized, especially heavy ones.
The inspiration of a drug crosses the boundaries of the unknown.

What we do in life echoes in eternity ... but if people do not even remember what happened the other day.

Gladiator is a semi porn film tailor-made for the gym-Truzzi Romans who play at being warriors, filled with ketamine to dance all night to the cemetery and tear of Mother bbbella

Seeing related movies: "Braveheart and the motivational speech "... I know there's the hand of Robert King, but William Wallace or Mel Gibson.

Highly recommended capolavorissimo also the mystical "The Passion of Christ."
After the first twenty minutes of film, spoken in a dialect of pastoral Vercelli, will not be able to resist the temptation to jump up from his chair and scream for the remaining 100 minutes, "Again, Daje, again, louder, louder, toh, toh, pious, Piata this and this. "

Oscar in photography, I would have given to special effects. I was so excited to see Christ scarified I feared to have the pleasure to Stendhal Syndrome.

... chiccazzo was Stendhal?
One of a film by Dario Argento.

That year (2005) took the Oscar for the overrated overestimated hyper "Million Dollar Baby." Having said all
. In the sense
: Stallone is a jerk who makes the wrong lip with violent films. Clint Eastwood, who took the wrong film the jerk with the lip that makes violent movies, has a woman instead of the jerk who makes the wrong lip with violent films and won Oscars in the face of the Spotless Mind and SE THE AVIATOR. He has enough to be the mythical fetish film Clint and add the final sop to humanitarian projects also in secondary schools, with the pseudo-social message about euthanasia.
Passanso for a great cultural event.

Rocky is a gem of cinema. Million Dollar Baby
an unnecessary remake of creepy.

Ah, I forgot, anyone who reads my blog or have an intellectual tendency is that it may be everything.

all remain: ANY WORK OR NOT TO FELLINI Kaurismaki 's useless, arrogant shit.

... I challenge you again: you have the courage to look "Still Life" in full, by sober, alone?

Ok, I've impressed.
But so complex a work deserves more than a vision to be gutted.
Look at him again, after a period of not less than one week.


There is a limit to everything but our uselessness.

Poor me, that woman will be perhaps half that hate me.

Thanks, Richard Benson.

And thank you for your time.
You can now go on to make a healthy lobstertube Italic culture.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

How To Make An Easy Viking Ship.

Five days of seclusion, I still have a journey back

Highly recommended.


The great games of yesteryear.

EVEN THE STATUE IS breaking balls and protests.

Who I can not trust?
of my family, and who else?

so well that I want to be ready to sacrifice for the good of the family.

It was a week to say 'a little psychedelic.
not I get sick of 12 years without iperbolizzazioni mnemonic or restructuring of the events in the past. M'ammalavo only when I wanted to escape the "task" or to the 'question of. " Possessed an invaluable talent for me to raise the body temperature in the vicinity of a hazard academic teaching.

spent five days at home as an ob-sealed at the point of overflowing, with people you hate because you hate (hate mirror) is an experiment worthy of ... the Experiment.

There comes a point at which - the action takes place above the point, not in the middle - do not read more than one role, everyone has run totally identified with the role played, the drama becomes real action.

Il confine tra recitazione e... come si chiamano le azioni quotidiane?
Non è forse una recita anche quella?
Ironico, siamo tutti dei falsi di merda, eppure dobbiamo frequentare un corso di recitazione per imparare a fare quello che facciamo tutti i giorni di fronte all'osservatore supremo, la digitale di zio Pasquale.

Fa venire i brividi e devo pure starci attento, non posso permettermi di riammalarmi ancora, un altro giorno qui e uccido qualcuno.
Non scherzo, l'esperimento si è protratto oltre l'oltre, oltre i bastioni di Orione, al di là de mei cojoni.


Non tutto il male viene per nuocere: una parte, l'estremità viene a nuocere, sennò non sarebbe a wrecker of lives.
Another part, the second, scolex and proglottids, the most discreet and odd is to harm (mettetevelo well in the lead).
A third party - the evil is divided into 3 parts, hence the trinity, the penis with testicles, all the other evil - is a bargain, do you try to fill in the form of cid with the events, so that you, making peace / surrender himself to the consequences, you smile on your face the classic of dazed resignation, will continue to suffer and suffer with the devotion and skill worthy of an accountant Fantozzi really working in our mondicino.

The character is the semi unstitching complex character warp and lives di vita propria; ci ha provato pure Stephen King a scriverne, di fatto ha firmato “Richard Backman”; non se la sentiva manco lui.

Certe cose succedono.

Impossibilitato di azionare a comando quei processi a me cari, necessari a creare, comporre, codificare grafemi divertenti come solo Irvine Welsh sa fare, ho avuto modo di guardare tanta televisione. Togliendo tonnellate di film - I.A., per cecarsi dal piangere, Senza Tregua, per cecarsi e basta, Ai confini della realtà anni 80 per cecare l'occhio che tutto vede stampato alla fine di ogni episodio, altro che messaggi subliminali, provare per incazzarsi!- ho fatto caso a un fenomeno importante.

Sky è intrappolato nel limbo infra generazionale.
Rifiuta il tempo corrente.
Se non avete il pacchetto cinema - pietoso e inutile, tanto che non ce l'ho; anzi, papino non ce l'ha - , verrete travolti da una valanga di ricordi, sarete colle spalle al muro, dovrete confrontarvi col vostro passato.

Sky è rimasta imprigionata tra gli anni ottanta e i novanta.
Video, film, telefilm, provenienti dal temibile decennio binomio letale. Colori e trame pompose, temi da sala bingo, vortici d'orrore a norma di censore dotato di sensibilità sitcommiana.

Di tanta spazzatura ho rivalutato “Il principe di Bel- Air”.
Telefilm atipico, grande Will Smith.
Will ha sempre fatto grandi cose, glielo si deve concedere.

Why give? It is rightfully hers.


And I fuck that I know, I'm talking nonsense.

I tried to update the perversions of our beautiful world, but I did nothing but dive à la backward in time and in the collective psyche.

I watched a program that looked at six years?
beginning to stain to jumping, screaming "I want another mother checciap.

I was in front of a TV show broadcast when I was not born yet? I huddled in a fetal position with a pin and pricked the walls around me, trying to undermine the amniotic sac, so to make a prenatal prank.

NDR: Soundtrack of "The fog "is the eighth track.
When he gets you you you you you you you you ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta?
Then say that you should not download music ...

fever there I had one night only.
me are not able to enjoy, I had to fight with my mother who wanted to force me to take medication - I feel like an adult, I do not eat the soup in protest.

In topical time the disease paroxysmal I was about to fall asleep, make a dream goliardiglioso (which means "fried clams with gorgonzola" Go, look on wikipedia, here, good) I found a hand on my forehead, I jumped with fright, coughing up phlegm a cluster of indecent, fluorescent adolescente – era bello grosso- , c'era la mia adorata matrigna a fissarmi in cagnesco.

Sì, mi hanno adottato, non c'è altra spiegazione, i miei veri genitori non possono essere così rompicoglioni... sennò da chi avrei ripreso?

Eccola, è arrivata tu tu tu tu tu tu tu tu ta ta ta ta ta ta
mi sento più adulto, responsabile, così non sputerò contro il termosifone un'altra volta.

Nel letto ribollivo d'odio, “Guarda la madonna se non posso neanche ammalarmi come si vede, ariguarda tu la madre del creatore di gente ordinata e inquisitoria”, pensavo mentre cercavo spiegazioni nel buio della stanza, cercando di ricreare artificialmente la fase rem, rolling his eyes wildly, sweating like a hydroelectric center after the H-bomb

I recommend: Try it in your darkroom.
Shake the eye, move them as fast as they can.
Trip to town.

Apart from that not much has happened. There were chicchette, I can not deny it, only when the patient passes me want to laugh in last stage, and that's where I realize how much fail on life.

are always looking for laughter, the grin liberating.
I think it's a good thing, especially when you're sick. But no.
An important moment for the pursuit of happiness I have shown elsewhere.
Of course, I have been sober five days in a row, has not happened since I was eighteen.

Yesterday afternoon, while he talked to Bacchus after 120 h on the wings of San Patrignano silent, I felt God in my turn.

Reading Welsh found peace, then left me because I thought the Tennet's red.

Ooooh, the Tennent's red, the Tennet's scotch ale.
pages of Irvine that shit oozing red rust.

Oh, my lady, velvet charm

warbling soul tickling
elastic balloon,
tramp sick.
Oh my lady, my pain
master phlegm in the chest.
Without drinking, oh my lady,
come una gran puttana
almeno per un ora.
Ho i soldi, che ti credi?
Apri le cosce
ti spillo per bene
per il mio bene.
No, no, no, non ti vengo a conoscere nel fusto, no
rigogliosa arborea scultura in metallo.
Pianta metallica, torna giovane
quando potevi ubriacare
senza chieder perdono.
Era colpa sua, poteva sorridere.
Non l'ha fatto, non ti meritava.

Forse mi sta tornando la febbre, forse no.
Chi può dirlo se non la Tennet's che berrò tra quattro ore e mezzo circa?

Parlavo di chiccette successe in questi monastici giorni di depurazione briosa – notasi come il linguaggio si faccia più televisivo - Then I clipped the speech by reciting odes to irreplaceable gentleman glasgowiane liquid.

chicchette One of my mother has been on a diet, even a lap, as every year, just after the holiday season.
There was a phone conversation with her friend who made me understand at what point the crowds can get and, nonchalantly make fun of everything to go out in the dark, at that meeting that there is concealed.

In summary:


NOT EAT carbohydrate, ie 'bread and pasta.

Beware of carbohydrates, as it was at the time of Manzoni or pastures.

When I become famous I want to proclaim the word articulate my gift 'surname.

The other gem dates back to last night.
I was mid-afternoon in a library to drink wine, to collapse with the vendor's policies.
We had a blast from the past - the pitiful relive the '90s on TV is not enough for me, I wanted to scratch the bottom - and then I dipped the Barcode where I spoke with the genius, the guy who played four years with books knew latin and greek and six better than a professor of mutual.

Having established that "I was wasting his time because I do not read poetry e, se non leggi la poesia, non puoi comunicare con lui perché non puoi capirlo”, sono tornato a casa e, in mezzo alla piazza dove c'è il mio palazzo ho mollato una vomitata rosso Campari.
Non sono riuscito a trattenermi, dovevo farlo e l'ho fatto.

No, non mi sento in colpa.


Era un preambolo all'embolo nel cervello di 'sta cazzo di chiccetta che ora racconterò.

Oh, mi ha fatto ridere.

Mi sono messo a vedere Scott Pilgrim vs. The world, gran toccasana quando mi sento di merda. È rincasato mio padre, grande appassionato di film d'azione meaningless without history - fear, you put on the defensive in Kevlar, when the writer wants to say too many things outside of the shots, flying kicks, revenge against the bad guys - and has stood spellbound in front of the screen.

Moral of the story has endured a two-minute film, shouting "Holy shit that blow, fuck that football, he's hurt."

has withstood the masterpiece until he realized that was not a continuing crime, that is an hour and a half of shooting, blood, female whores revenge etc.; soul der parp!

Scott Pilgrim in my opinion is one of the most brilliant films ever made (shit you want? Back to see the video art, pieces of shit in the ass) but my father was unable to find an interesting component martial worthy of two and a half minutes of her precious attention (mica I wasted your time like I did with the unreasonable portion of the temporal genius, eh!) .

Indeed Scott Pilgrim I would have to interpret or limit Maurizio Merli, Henry Silva vintage.

I'm going to take something from the fridge and I find the bloody fucking Bobbit.

I got up the stomach, so that the mouth was about to uscirmi as happened to the guts when s'ostinava Phil Anselmo screaming like a crow enhanced by kicking in the back by a boot with reinforced toe in acciaio incandescente come i pomodorini serviti durante la cena di gala organizzata dallo staff alle dipendenze della contessa Serbelloni Mazzanti Vien dal Mare.

Una salsiccia di fegato delle dimensioni di un pene completamente intrisa nel suo stesso sasngue.

Il frigorifero odorava di cazzo insanguinato.

Uno schifo inenarrabile.

'coddio che schifo, non vedevo una schifezza volontariamente perversa del genere da quando vidi per sbaglio “La dolce Vita” una domenica mattina.


Struccata, acchittata da signorina per bene, Ruby non vale un cazzo, è una ciofeca.
Agghindata da cittadina fallita italiana media è veramente fottibile su tutti e tre i fronti (ora che la tecnologia lo permette esistono anche le scopate, in 3-D).

La mia perplessità scaturisce dai 7000,00€ (è un po', eh? En pochi!!!) regalati dal nostro amato presidente per CA-RI-TA'.

Innanzitutto il presidente fa il razzista solo quando non può fottersi l'immigrato.

Da i nostri 7000 euro a una marocchina CHE E' IN DIFFICOLTA' e a noi non ci pensi solo perché non possiamo ciucciartelo?

Cazzo è 'sta storia?

A 'sto punto direi: se non se l'è scopata qualcuno dovrà farlo, no?
Settemila euro per niente in cambio non li ho mai ricevuti.

Lei sostiene che il presidente è a very nice person with whom one can speak of this and that, beyond the political issues.
the question "What are you talking about?", She said something like, "'dinner was a flag."

... ... ... what? (In English means "that the Virgin Mary was a virgin behind the Bible and talking about them?).

Dinner tricolor ... knowing the perversions of the Mason Silvio I can only interpret it that way.

at home there than down with the skin pulled so I know that among those in the face there is also the asshole, there were 10 girls aged 10 and over, all happy to be with a peer than 10 decades younger (as many references to Kabbalistic?).

During dinner, the president has tried to force the anus of each of the 10 with a proud flag, using the part of the cloth, saving infibulation with the side of the auction for the grand finale, along with the caviar, the champagne and fireworks rituals.

In this case the president is guilty of manslaughter by breaching a dozen legal entities of other nations terzomondali.

Since mastery of language?
I knew I had to study law, even though I had two right - and I had it because Joe Porchetta, the professor, had great sympathy for me -.

... Joe Porchetta... chissà perché mi hai bocciato...

Sta sicuro: non eravamo noi a prenderti in giro, lo facevi tu stesso, ogni passo che muovevi.

Ho scoperto che esiste un sito elettrizzante.


Non sarebbe meglio prendere tutti i libri e bruciarli in piazza?

Contrariamente a quello che ci vogliono propinare, il buco nell'ozono c'è proprio perché non inquiniamo abbastanza.

Per chi non lo sapesse.

Dopo circa una trentina d'anni, il buco nell'ozono ha iniziato a pensare grazie alla nostra lacca per capelli.

È vivo, osserva ciò che facciamo.

Praticamente abbiamo dato vita al god of the church.
We did exist with deodorants. The lady is
Cieloalto, which is why it is among the most expensive lacquers.

... the "lakes" more expensive.

Well, 'I'm fucking ozone still standing there, as the gap between two cheeks, so bored.
When you're bored and you are unable to boot, you can not do anything at all, what's left to do but eat and eat?

Unless we feed him with a move to smoke pollution from unnecessary books of the earth, the hole s'incazzerà, famine and plagues befall on us.

is worth to make pussy ecological extinction?

So what are you waiting?

It's time to take all those batteries do not use anymore and burning them with gasoline.
Do not worry, once you spentesi an excuse to take a vacation at sea - the Adriatic also needs his dose of Mercury, or else pour it in hard!

Instead of bringing your children to the park, park in front of the play or teach them something instructive destructive. When you
temprerà character ever?
not hard to be loved by children when they are taught to make mercury fulminate.

learn many things.
And they will blow up.

The age of snacks, the family of the mill white baby is over, here we want explosions worthy of the end of the first decade of the 2000 bankruptcy.

Engage in the sacred art of the explosive, the Chinese proved that the Italians are no less of causing discomfort and destruction.

By God, family and the flag (this time from the side of the pole).

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Caesareans In Crohns Disease

bad fella '

modeling timelapse

sculpting timelapse

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Skip Cubefield Levels


'a special case.

READING, you will understand.


Quand'ero piccolo capitava spesso di sognare film che non avevo visto, eccezion fatta per le succose locandine, colorate e contorte come sapevano farne una volta.

Ogni pomeriggio andavo nella mia videoteca di fiducia (ce n'erano due; “2001” era omnia, “Videorent” era merdia), mi drogavo con cataloghi zeppi, rigogliosi scaffali ad effetto domino (sulla psiche e non) esercitavano potere illimitato sulla mia psichetta.

Era come se gli scaffali raccontassero cosa fosse celato nei nastri custoditi nel ventre dell'archivio union set behind the mighty shoulders of sadistic videotecaio.

science had not yet invented the VHS sets and videos stored on the shelves of video stores more atavistic were free to strike each other, to fall to the ground in an orgy of plastic, mortifying the shit that had triggered the mechanism of disharmony with a bang bestial, unambiguous and sudden wake-up call of apocalypse that was rushing the operator, fork in hand and a small tank of gasoline to intimidate the hapless buyer clumsy card fitted.

I had a couple of times, I did not like at all.
Gasoline burns until it goes.

A distance of time segments or more less short by celluloidee oniropippe, I used to rent one at random and fuck I had already seen.
Even if I had not seen.

theorized that someone had struck the head stone of the first rape and, therefore, have severe problems with memory, I remembered things that the revised only once a second, third time.

Film rented but forgotten due to trauma of sexual abuse.

checked the surface of the skull to locate bumps, tumors, that kind of stuff there that undermines a proper, sober and healthy, as Alessia Marcuzzi, gut brain activity.

Even scabs.

I was an insatiable cunning spirit, not mi fidavo di nessuno, tanto meno di me stesso. Volevo un'ultima, definitiva conferma.
M'infilai un dito nel sedere.
Fui estremamente sollevato, dopo aver convissuto col terrore che il braccio fosse risucchiato nel culo fino alla spalla (magari mi aveva stuprato tutta la crew al completo che interpretava la tribù di “Cannibal Holocaust”).

Ero sano come un pesce libero; generalmente i pesci sono malati di depressione, imprigionati negli allevamenti di ciccioni pescatori della domenica pomeriggio.

Con la progressiva scomparsa dell'home video quest'abilità mutò in qualcosa di simile e altrettanto bizzarro.

Tutt'oggi la possiedo.

Fatemi vedere un fotogramma of any film.
Give me three seconds of the trailer, a tear film.
Let me read the title.

Years later, when the film is being broadcast on television, they are able to identify it in all circumstances.
I can remember the title, director, principal actors, even if the scene I happen to see while zappingheggio, including tele-shopping for a mattress and a whore who does crossword puzzles for spastic retired, is not one of those I saw in trailer, the image of what the fuck was.

1.23% margin of error.


I do not think.
If you can not making money, I would say that is a joke that the gods have played for you to get Test Case heavenly boredom.
I do not say thank god because he is not involved.

must have been homogenized GM gave me the secret of her aunt.
thank Ed Gein, Ted Bundy, and Wayne Gacy, the only, only, true, unique trinity. Other

the idiot Catholics copied from Egyptian folklore!

Why you did NOT share with my gift, I is not known, it becomes impossible to open, at present time like the other day with the day after tomorrow.

be with me than with others.

Have you heard of the birds that are kin to the choir, at the same time, wing after transfer, for no apparent reason? Before
in America, now in the boot italics.

Many, including myself, think "Project HAARP."
Others think the will of an old, forgotten Jesus sad and angry.
Others point the finger at the karma overload of mother earth.

Who is right I do not know, probably never will. I just hope that
ornitocadaveri become the property of those who really need it.
can enjoy to the bastards who put the face of electromagnetic waves in the ether messes up the brain for the sake of playing to "playing God".

The old Zoroastrian New Delhi has bought stocks of vultures in a special offer to celebrate the funeral rites.
Great luck, be taken indefinitely to devour the corpse of your enemy.
He plays for a concept album but it is much more brutal metal.


Dejected, between two and spotted a small, the bartender: "Christmas Pallos. Christmas gifts to the child. CenDOvenDI parcels. Pu 'the witch, n'atri cenDOtrenDA toys. I know him 'said moima, Vashti. Bashta FANDASIA WITH THE CHILD MUST LEARN IN LIFE IS NOT 'HAVE EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS LOST, THERE IS' BITTER, the bitterness of defeat. CAN NOT 'TO GROW, TO THINK HE' HAD EVERYTHING, which is' always a victory. " In the monologue
time I finished the coffee.
Just to pretend not to be the uncivilized they are, have shown interest in the conversation, and stay here without having to plaster this programmed reactions' matrix.
"How old is your daughter?"
"Shit, is ready for the Foreign Legion. You should tell her that Santa Claus does not exist. "
"'n fact. Mo next year ... "

... the genesis of another serial killer.
Not that the little children not to drink the shit of an obese Lapp that infringes on private property around the world, at his peril, to do good without receiving in return a dick is a bad thing, just come on, c 'is less and less magic. There are

children 5 years already know the day you marry.
But their parents do not know the technological singularity, so let the dream of parents who prevent their children from dreaming.

highly recommend to all the movie "Santa's Slay."
A pleasant 1 hour and 10 delirium.
Recommended to children.
A great way to discover the deception.

The soundtrack of "Vigilante" is fucking crazy.
True funk.
Fucking Funk.
... I had someone to share it ...

Back to my selfishness.

Scientists in Borneo have discovered a new species of dinosaur. The
merdosauro. High
more than ten metri, dai denti molli e liquidi, era lo spazzino organico della comunità dei dinosauri.
Fu il primo ad estinguersi.
Vi lascio immaginare perché.
Figuratevi la cagata media di un cavallo comune. Moltiplicatela per tre di quantità e dimensioni.
Vi piacerebbe essere al mondo sapendo che il vostro compito è quello di far sparire la merda degli altri dentro voi?
È stato il primo e unico caso di ESTINZIONE PROGRAMMATA VOLONTARIA della storia del pianeta.
Capisco il povero merdosauro; penso che sarò un degno N°2.

... se analizzate l'azione di PRENDERE LA MERDA DEGLI ALTRI E FARLA SPARIRE DENTRO SE', vi accorgerete che è quello che facciamo ogni giorno, da che nasciamo.
We take the pain, frustration, failure of others, in the form of reprimands, beatings, bans etc. and make them disappear inside of us, dying little by little.

We are the direct descendants of merdosauro.
is why the complex R.
's why we're reptilian.

Yesterday and today there was the fog.
I invited to come in to read together the stories of EA Poe. I offered full glasses of brandy, chocolate bars with hazelnuts.
The fog is gone hurt for a couple of very distinct reasons.
'll try to summarize it in brief.
The first relates to all types of chocolate filled.
The hazelnut is one of the first fruits dried to make the worms when it is trapped in bars fluxes, subject to dissolution by heat to store hyper sunny months of June through August.

Second (hell of alcoholics?) Was disappointed by the descriptions that Edgar had made.
"I was portrayed too big, sad. Depressing. Serves him right, alcoholic who died at forty. "

I learned another valuable lesson. Pure
fog is baaasssshhhtarda.

in Saudi Arabia have arrested 10 emo. There is no surprise (there can not miss until they think you stick a layer of metal inside the brain) apart from the fact that, to punish them, three beefy soldiers sono offerti di stuprarli in piazza, sotto gli occhi della popolazione colma d'odio per tutto quello che esiste nel vocabolario.

I militari sono stati giustiziati il giorno seguente, quando il loro superiore ha scovato i profili netlog dei 3 traditori con tanto di capelli piastrati, smalto nero sulle unghie, e una scritta col rossetto sulle guance: Fucking war.

Greenpace è giunta sul posto per dire: “Noi non c'entriamo un cazzo con la questione, ci interessa solo che le balene tornino presto la sera, perché l'oceano si riempie di drogati e brutta gente dopo la mezzanotte. In compenso, tenga signor presidente, le regaliamo questa fantastica piastra per capelli e una copia del dvd “Party monster” così maybe she will be overwhelmed by the charm of the universe and the emo scene queen. "
"Shit is saying, I do beheaded in the name of god."
"Oh, I forgot, we do not yet have DVD players, which is why he got angry."
"hit and sunk."
"If you card is also broken."

Now I feel better. Thanks

There comes a certain point in the journey 'of our lives, when everything is gray, dull, monochrome, and the only colored gorge, the only viable illuminated without fear alcuno è quella di una religione a scelta.
Sarete tentati di imboccare tale strada.
Non fatelo.
Fatevi furbi.
Fondate voi stessi una religione, plagiate le persone a vostra immagine e perversione.
Inizieranno a piovere i soldi, tutto tornerà colorato, scintillante.
Potrete permettervi coca di prima qualità, l'esistenza scorrerà più veloce. Farete la presunta fine di qualche vecchia rockstar.

La religione è salutare quando il dio che intasca il bottino sei tu.

Sono cascato dalla sedia, ho battuto una preziosa tempia, per tre settimane mamma mi ha dovuto nutrire con una cannuccia (cibi liquidi, niente solidi, dicette l'avvocato dottore psichiatra psicopompo psicomoagico Jodorowski during the interview) when I discovered that my hero, Rod Serling, was part of the Unitarian church. The same
where he studied Kurzveil Ray.

not believe in the trinity, study all religions cool, you take the piss out of a different one every two months, you learn to relate all the similarities (scopiazzature) and intrinsic differences.
And maybe, if you're conscientious, you can eventually get to safety.

Lucky them, we were only studying the fucking Catholicism.
I must not cry on, I still have many years to deserve hell as it should.

they do not want to close the balcony? Many
is unpleasant for the balcony of home.
Is it not their right to close it forever, end to the sad chapter of life free, always lived outside, on the road?
No, we must summon the assembly is located, go to court to seek permission from police.
See you!

I'm going to warm up a teaspoon with sugar magic.

seems talc but it is not intended to give

What would we do without addiction?
Just wake up in the morning, but you have to do something, no?

To invent a meaning in the day.

coffee, cigarettes, bending, newspaper, news, organic cookies, everyone has a rite staff.

in a week that I am conducting this experiment: just wake up a fuck.
Do what you must do without first.

I explain a bo 'biu' rrrrofonditamente (quiet, not fact, if you have read this far you are having problems with illegal substances).

the morning there are those who can not get out of bed because it pricks her.

the morning there who can get out of bed because he has the veins as well.

the morning there are those who can not get out of bed because it has the unwanted veins, cocks are his own and is scientifically proven that Monday is a day of shit all the side effects.

the morning, when waking up in June TAKEN 'out of bed, dress, PETTINATEVI And the fuck out!
no crucible.

Throughout the world there are rituals morning, the blog is written in Italian by birth Italy's ass, so it is OUR cancer that I care.

Everyone loves her cancer, woe to those who say mine is bigger than yours.

Cancer, derives from the Latin word "cancer" and means "you could take (this was in Belgium).
Curious what "cancer" is to utter a "cancer" English. Read
Palahniuk makes you feel cool, "fuck, I'm learned many things, "you are only unlearn the love of the common toaster.
I always want more, you will need to increase the dose to bursting.

Want a short story style palahniuk?
No, do not give it to you, it takes too long to write, correct, first, second, third draft.
No. I want an economic


However, he was continually suffering from the girl's vaginal fissures that are packed with absurd medicine without success on the dreaded affliction.

In the end it turns out that, being a girl who ate Activia every day, and was in possession of the right amount of acti bifidus regularis, cagava on time, every morning, like a train on the island of fantasy.

After his relationship with his natural regularity, not to clog the backside of indelible uncomfortable and sharp fragments of toilet paper (cellulose and celluloid are the lowest common 'denominator of my life, even if you do not use paper ass 10 years; possible explanations later, after the news), he used to lie down on the royal bidet that her grandparents gave her for Christmas twenty years ago, at the time of his first communion and baptism of the second with the sufferings of the grandparents (living in a hippy commune satanic-style villa in Arcore of Charles Manson).

The riddle was as simple as the tiny pieces of shit, ass, down nell'acqua per nuotare nel possente turbinio dell'acqua bideica.

Si viene a sapere che era lei stessa la causa del suo taglio vaginale.

Si puliva il davanti con la mano sporca dei peccati prodotti dal di dietro.
S'impiantava cilindri fecali nella vagina senza saperlo, aumentando il dolore che le impediva di godere dei fusti dei suoi parenti, sempre pronti a penetrarla con voluttuosa, religiosa cerimoniosità.

La storia trae spunto da un fatto realmente accaduto a una mia ex.
Per saperne di più sui tagli sulla figa e a quanto fanno male vi consiglio di leggere qui

... dio quanto I love the internet ...

For now I leave, I'm not very good, I'm fighting with a kind of pseudo killer fever but does not prevent me to go out and enjoy my property virtuosic liver.

I did my duty, you have your weekly dose of bullshit.

careful not to wash with the same water where they navigate the bullshit.

will fissures series.

Ah, I forgot the real ending on the fissures.

Women suffer like animals, there is a cut, right there. Brrrr.

The male enters without any protection is a healthy carrier.

without even a tear.

Just think: you can infect your friends without any pain (for you agglomerations multicellular androgynous).

not fantastic human nature, which is also sexist bastard and like all Chiesara convinced?!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver Portable Daycare App

little sketch cleared through customs within LIFE TELEVISION (IR)

Homus ITALICUS: SMILING FOR rotten and false profit.



Sostanzialmente, sono state le vacanze di natale più tristi, vuote, secche, idrogenate, ignobili, immonde, inutili di sempre.
Nessuno sconto per nessuno.

Come/quanto il genere umano si sia avverso nei miei confronti non è novità, più che altro l'intensità con cui sono avvenute le contestazioni riguardo il mio modo di far vibrare la materia a discapito della frequenza comune ritenuta opportuna dai più (FREQUENZA STANDARD OMOLOGATA DA CITTADINO).

Tutto continua ad esistere polarizzato al contrario, di fronte alla mia fredda, stanca sensibilità logorata dalla sete di menzogne altrui.

Mai come adesso le persone hanno bisogno di bugie da raccontarsi/raccontare per (1/2) tirare avanti.

... e ci rido.

Matteo Miotto è morto per fare guadagnare numeri a banchieri e politici, per giunta è un eroe economico.
Ipocrisia generale, finte lacrime, frustrazione per un perfetto sconosciuto.

La badante di Napolitano quante volte al mese gli cambierà il catetere? Sembra talmente ripieno e saturo di piscio e merda che un pronostico ragionevolmente corretto è 2, massimo 2 volte e mezzo.
Nei giorni dispari.

Spesi oltre 2,3 miliardi PE' MAGNA' tra vigilia e natale.
Pensateci: soldi per me. Me, me, spendo, spendo per me, per la mia famiglia cioè per il mio ego me me io io io.
Se il nostro merdoso popolino avesse fatto una collettina ina, invece di usarli per dimenticarci dello zero impotente che siamo, e li avessimo spesi per una qualsiasi altra cosa di EFFETTIVO BENESSERE COLLETTIVO, ora sarebbe diverso.

Qui casca l'asino in culo al sacerdote.


Vedere con l'occhio interiore fa male.

world upside down ... conditioning by acute subliminal marketing?

Here we are!

dicette Eureka as one side of the home shopping selling mattresses elephantine but I felt that shtava to sell small breasts or skirts.

We grew between years 80 and 90 ("grown" so to speak, we are fucking immature and selfish little children) we were strongly manipulated by Calvo and his fuckin ketchup.
Yes, that.
you remember?
Top down: the label was written "backwards", upside down, so that storing it in the refrigerator upside down.

The future of an entire species kept in a bottle of tomato sauce spiked with artificial spices, sugar and various flavorings.

desperate times for desperate measures ... will be ...
No mushroom cloud horizon.
For now.

Among the few noteworthy events (moving), the pope against the massacre of Christians.
The followers of the merciful, invented and existing only on paper JC (otherwise only the initial price is paid to the copyright) in the course of centuries and millennia have killed, raped, abused, tampered with, the landscape ugly world for what, for what, fucking thing for which to be seen against twisting everything?
felony, cowardly terrorists, come forward. No one touches

When our holy church burning and torture does so with a very specific reason.
God's ways are endless, no one can understand the mysterious work of God.
Only ours is the only true god.
we can afford.
So imbruttitori of Christian care to you or send you our priests in your nursery.
cocks will be bitter.
For the little ones.
And the janitors are unable to offer adequate resistance.

The old Nazi pedophile says that "those who kill Christians offended God and mankind."

A god almighty, all-seeing, even if only ponder a feeling resentful resulted from an offense is a conceited head Cock childish, weak and inefficient.

It offends those who voluntarily decides to suffer.


I see it as a "fuck you" that you look in the mirror and are concerned about the message.

I hope in a nuclear holocaust; decomposing carcasses pass between dying, 'pointing finger sull'annientamento doing "Ah Ahhhh" to those who are writhing toward the eternal void.

"Now show your card Coop, you piece of shit. And hurry up and die that are not biodegradable. "

the evening before I last shreds Megapixel television, only more interesting and perversion than the currently available psychological and physical decline of the family my whole interspersed with a meager bowl of seaweed and fried some noodles in white (we are vegetarian special, do not eat animals; them on the word FUCK) .

A small television studio tanned like a palace full of red chairs on which lying asses fat, dumb asses from the meter and sixty and over.
S'ostinavano to clap to the sound of songs chosen by the management.
received a prostitute, which bears a residence permit in hell, smiling her as well, several seconds sculettava urging the audience to clap their hands vigorously with greater conviction, poi arrivava qualcuno che cantava (il pubblico clap clappeggiava imperterrito), poi pubblicità.

E via daccapo.

L'Italia è una nazione fondata sulla merda, popolata da gentaglia tanto stupida da non rendersi conto che dai diamanti non nasce niente, dal letame nascono i fior'.

Avrei voluto vedere de Andrè costretto 5 giorni su 7, 8h al giorno alla catena di montaggio, se se la sentiva di essere così ottimista.

Ho deciso che quest'anno sceglierò una religione da perdercisi, per tesserarmici, convincermi che la verità, la via giusta sia quella, solo solo solo quella.

Tutto ciò, considerando che Continuo a dubitare del mio personale potere di raccontarmi/raccontare lies.

stumbled on my way, people run away in horror.

Contact with an honest feel dishonest.
Lies are gay. Comparisons

the avoidance of doubt, as he said Lino Banfi found half dead stuck with the penis in the vulva of the granddaughter (he had done for love, it was a misunderstanding to think of him as an old greasy pork Chiesara).

No, I do not give up the girl he £ £ o that stuff to cry on them without being fetishists tears.
History repeated and trite honesty, I pulled out because I have never felt so betrayed as it happened 'sti holy fucking day.

Hypocrisy exponentially.

Yes, perfect, always has been, obviously I'm getting older, I become more sensitive, which made me laugh now I hurt.
"Wounds" ...
The feeling is: the false hypocrisy of the average citizen I dissects his genitals, then shattered like a pane of glass cast by 72 ultra thin floor, a bodybuilder in Mr. Olympia finalist in 2010 never been so fit, never been so intoxicated steroids than those given by the elephants to lift a truck load of heavy weapons by force of only the tip of the proboscis, is able to throw discouragement sidereal nell'orticante garden.

Mica cocks. Thanks to religion

I become more optimistic (and succumbing to the blows of a life that never was as useless as possible in the world today).

calmly and patiently (or Attack) just find the pieces one by one, spend the remaining days playing with puzzles.

Fuck metaphors.

is not a metaphor: in the frenzied madness I broke a glass in football (soccer).

soon awake in the morning (you you you you you ... who, me?), One should have flooded the penis with blood and thoughts that make Jesus cry (from the foreskin!) Encrusted in the wires in the brain.

Instead of them had a deep hatred for my family, never been so out of the jug. I have not had
not even think BUUUM, a cask of the tip.

The glass is broken.

I felt better when I went to throw it. The
CRACRUNCERCKRUNC banged against the surface of the body's iron garbage can was the best song of 2010 (among those not downloaded).

"We must sacrifice for the good of globalization."

pieces of shit in charge do not know that within two decades the religion and politics will count as a package of puzzles shipped on Pluto with a greeting of good sol invictus.

With all the human waste and not on the streets of Naples, letting off fireworks is more conscientious vaccination of newborn babies.

I do not want eternal damnation, m'accontento of DTT with six months free subscription.

I believe in justice, so I hope that God will put into existence out of the blue to punish us, giving us all the bullshit that he had promised his deputy with the Bible.

The youth are the future, to predict this type bullshit 2012.

During the New Year's Eve with a head of lamb tongue out there watching us humans cibavamo of his body.
When you fall behind the back of Enzo and he swore I collapsed with laughter.
"Who the fuck put it there?".

is called revenge from beyond zoomorphic.

If you want to kill someone, get away and celebrate anyway, you better wait for Carnival or New Year, according to the customs of the place where the murder to take place.

And when there is a countdown to greet the new year, some are seeing an enemy. In Pescara

a young man lost two fingers because of the barrels. After careful investigation it was learned that in fact stolen from him that the gypsies.
"If you tell them that it was gypsies tornamo to take another finger," the heavy conspiratorial threat made to the young who, after witnessing a striptease gassed by Roberto Saviano has decided to make public the truth.

La verità è libertà; chi vuole la libertà?
Vota un altro dittatore.
Tu si che sei libero.

A Bergamo un 72enne è stato stroncato da un infarto.
Mi è dispiaciuto.
Pensare che nel mio palazzo è morto un 89enne (con tutta la vita davanti) che si è infilzato un occhio con la forchetta piena di lenticchie bollenti.
Per sbaglio.
Non è morto a causa del letale trapasso dell'occhio, tutta colpa dell'elevata temperatura del letale seme killer caratteristico delle festività nostrane. Gli è evaporato il cervello, sebbene il gip di qualche parte ha detto che gli era rimasta attiva una zona cerebrale pari a 0,0000000002 pico millimetri.
Una tragediona.

In verità mi è dispiaciuto più per il bergamasco che per il vecchio nel mio palazzo perché il povero 72 non lo conoscevo.

In Sardegna si sono opposti al nucleare, organizzando un mega corteo che ha bloccato tutte le strade principali, prelevando tonnellate di vermi viventi in varie forme giganti di “Gorgonzoa cu i grilli” reperiti in vari Eurospin dell'isola.
Sfortunatamente il corteo è stato interrotto quando una squadra di 6000 pescatori armati fino ai denti di ami da pesca si sono indebitamente appropriati delle esche vaganti.

A Oristano c'è stato il concerto di Marco Carta.
Di lui non si hanno più notizie.
Un contadino del luogo said: "Mark who? Go away, it starts getting cold, the bullets are even worse. "

The difference between dead black and white lies dead political ideology of the deceased? At Foggia

an illiterate Kg30 illegally held fireworks. "We have to eat, so we spend the money for the fireworks," said the superintendent, who has tinkered (that is, he removed the handcuffs, masturbation is not carried out by right hand) after hearing the reasons dell'incriminato.

'E' for personal use. "

had a chance to have 30kg of barrels every day I would be firing! The small

Cammareddu was the first born of all Sicily.
But not only has established this record. Before sexual harassment, as tradition dictates, his father has passed well 7min. 24 seconds, smashing the record of 2009 beat Milan (6min 10 sec.).

Hahahaha, overwhelmed by TRAIN in the Bari region: slightly wounded a motorist.
fucking did it, drifting in the middle of the rails?
Only here can we have some shit is insane.

In Rome, an asshole assholes among 36 injured by 'sti fucking barrels has played a hand.
The thing that made her laugh is that it was written: "The 28-year old AFFECTED ..."
... as if to say: "Come on, a bit 'he deserved it, crying, but not too much, save a bit 'of tears for the other cazzatine the news. "
was a stroke to the children (newborn) of assholes who come up with these pathetic news.

And the assholes like me that give it importance.

Baglioni Venditti and in concert in Rome.
Nostradamus had warned us.

Nooo, in a garage in Rome, 800 kg barrels!!

I want to do a little of the situation.

There is no one capable of love, forgiveness. To feel happiness' towards life.
Everyone wants to feel bad.
LITERALLY wanted to change the world, not spiritual crap from neo converts problems with heroin and child molestation, we could farlo adesso, gratis, senza sforzo, senza ripercussioni.

Non c'è più uno stronzo felice in questa merda di nazione.



Sparatevi in testa, unirete l'utile al vomitevole.

Piccolo consiglio: se utilizzate armi da fuoco non puntate alle tempie.
Se qualche stronzo vuol fare l'eroe e vi salva, non troverete mai più il coraggio per rifarlo.

E vivrete cechi.
E non avrete più occhi per piangere.

Senza piangere la vostra vita sarà ancora più inutile.
Diventerete ancora più stronzi, porterete a bordo della vostra orba barca altri poveracci, spingendoli to make the same gesture.

GUN MUST point at the center of the forehead: POI SBAJA NUN TE '!

"STALKER doctor warned."
... a doctor under the direction of Tarkovsky?

Anyways', this was fine and we are in Italy, the limit we can talk about dietary slices with monosodium glutamate (great for health).

'I was fucking doctor, insulting patients by sending them in paranoia under the knife?

"Ugly bitch, I'll kill you, oh, yes, yes I can do it, see? I just dig a little more 'where the nurse opened this beautiful hole as big as a fist. You got it, dog shit? I can not sewn remove the bullet, in fact, now that I think I'll get the bleach.

Alemanno greeted the first two births. "Harsh Roman doc.."
The father of the illustrious mayor Romanini doc asks, "Is not that a bit advanced thee 'uses of the coca that every twenty seconds, so too do we celebrate?".
Alemanno has pretended that the call was disturbed, he mumbled: "I'm not sgfaaeratamersarpa", and attacked in the face, sagging again sull'imbandito snow-covered table placed at his disposal, to the delight of his eyes red veins erupted.

Then what happened?

Dante banned from schools
After careful, accurate reading, the person in charge of public opinion has determined that you can not force innocent children to study the work of a pedophile dependent on psychedelics.
The scandal erupted when a famous scientist of Channel 5, the only one who has bothered to read the entire "divine comedy", he realized that Beatrice, which is dedicated to the work, was not even half the age required to work in a call center. In Reggio

seized 5 tons of barrels. Even these
for personal use.
The commissioner did not believe it. Did not believe it until the boss did not ask the mayor's family home. "You see that mountain? Hinders the thoughts. How to take it out of the way, with the workers of the municipal fuck? ".
freed, compensated and given an honorary degree for construction.

Reincarcerato soon after, when the walls of his house screaming.
Firefighters found 56 corpses and not plaster.
32 were still alive.
not fared well.
12 were allergic to dust.

Practically the framework of a shitty country in which tourists, at most, we are eating guinea and to change the air in the testicles.

stupid deaths, violations, seizures of firecrackers dick.

That's what we are capable.

is what we are.

north, center, south.
0 +0 +0 = -1.
... on the other hand we have revolutionized the algebra!

I give you a friendly advice. A tip from

A pearl of wisdom to end up in newspapers and finirci well be remembered without sucking Lele Mora, be recommended by Gelli, or one of his friends.

Write a letter to the witch.

Ask her to change the program. Get

take five kilos (more than you can not, the witch is like a plane has weight limit of luggage), yes, I said let bring five pounds of fireworks. How

end papers and be remembered forever for passing plus heroic (if you survive) helpless victims?

light fire, not about YOU SAY THAT YOU AND I DO NOT BUTTS had requested. You will be famous and


The price of fame is sometimes much higher.

Once you are known not to change anything, but you hope that some idiot teenager / a has attacked the poster in your bedroom.

Mo shtà the crisis that we must be content.

... invent new trades.

New Year's greetings to all my readers, increasingly declining.
few but good.