Monday, February 28, 2011

Braces And Missing Teeth

Arteniese - Aurora Buonacquisto: Images

(Above Perez Sosa, G. Filaferro below)

Above Peak, in Serafini

Above, Captain Lizzi

Rodrizuez Above is disentangling between two opponents under the eyes of Roi, from behind and below Serafini shooting;

Above Forgiarini under Filaferro M.

Above Roi in action for the withdrawal;

Brazilian Laser Before After

Press Review: "The Gazzettino - The report cards"


GRITTI 7: vote for such a high you save the result to the 33 'time on the first flash of Nicolausig.
LIZZI 6.5: Captain oversaw the defense.
Filaferro M. 7: foil any threat on the left, oltre a dare un apporto in avanti.
FORGIARINI 6: il suo voto sarebbe stato più basso se non avesse salvato il risultato allo scadere del secondo tempo.
FILAFERRO G. 5.5: non sempre impeccabile.
ROI 7: fa da collante tra difesa e attacco.
SERAFINI 6.5: buon contributo.
PEREZ SOSA 7.5: nella partita di ieri si è rivelato il migliore in campo. Fanno paura agli avversari i suoi inserimenti in area.
MARTARELLO 6: non si è distinto.
DE MONTE 6: all'opera per la squadra.
RODRIGUES 6.5: supporta Perez Sosa.


CICUTTINI 7: stesso discorso fatto per Gritti, solo su tiro di Perez Sosa to 22'del st.
TAMI 6: sometimes it would take more care.
Brusatin 6.5: especially during the second half defending properly.
LOUHENAPESSY 6.5: good circulation of the ball.
Moschioni 6: Central did not always work to perfection.
NICOLETTIS 7: Thank God there is a captain on defense.
NICOLAUSIG 7: on the right wing is doing its best.
PODRECCA 5.5: for 90 'does not have rowed with his companions.
LODOLA 5.5: played with too much enough. When he got the ball at his feet could not be brighter.
Tonetto 6: well in the first half, then disappears.
RIDOLFO 6.5: it lacks the coolness to realize, but it takes commitment.

Determine Height By Foot Size Math

Press Review: "The Gazzettino

THE MATCH CLOU many occasions, but only a goalless draw with Aurora
Arteniese unleashed and unfortunate

ARTENIESE: Gritti, Lizzi, Filaferro Mauritius Forgiarini, Filaferro George, Roi, Serafini (26'st Onyechere), Perez Sosa (35'st Nicoloso) Martarello, De Monte (13'st Peak), Rodrigues. Herds Poland.
AURORA Buonacquisto: Cicuttin, Tami (26'st Mauro), Brusatin, Louhenapessy, Moschioni, Nicolettis, Nicolausig (39'st Comini) Podrecca, Lodolo, Tonetti (37'st Masetti), Ridolfo. Herds Zappamiglio.
REFEREE: Druan Pordenone

NOTE: Moschioni ammonites, and Nicolausig Brusatin; angles: 5 to 8.

Artegna - interesting race that was staged yesterday between Arteniese and Aurora, where the two teams have created a lively match, keeping the pace high until the end. The team that deserved more but, at least in the light of the many opportunities created especially for the first time, you were at home; our guests, even in the first fraction, these have not been cohesive. As for the chills from the parts of Cicuttin, 30 'Sosa is the wild Perez the ball on his feet almost by accident, how can kick taken aback, but the extreme prejudice in two stages. The only dangerous action of Dawn (33 ') bears the signature of Nicolausig, whose shot from the edge of the small he may be found ready Gritti. Guests are likely to go under at least two episodes: the 44 'missing Sosa Perez winning the poor wretch's cross from the left by De Monte and only 2' after action photocopy on the opposite end, but this time the ball is to click on Marterello. Upon returning to the field Arteniese has loosened his grip and the Aurora several times, making the system was presented by the parties of Gritti. At 28 'solo effort from Rudolph but gives too little force to the ball, making it easy prey for Gritti. Another attempt by the number 11-44 ', Cicuttin saves but does not hold, the rebound Lodolo pulls too low, so as to enable Forgiarini to save on the line.
Marco Pascoli

Funny Things To Write On Car

The results of the 22 th round

ARTENIESE -AURORA Buonacquisto 0-0
CASSACCO-Buies 2-3 (Russian, Andriola, Peak 2, Pividori)
FULGOR- MUNICIPAL Gonars 1-1 (Giacomello; Paviz)
ANCONA-Flaibano 2-3 (Bernardo. Fachin; Battel, Monterisi, Gerometta)
TORREANESE-Pagnacco 1-2 (Chiarandini; Bianchin, State)
LAVARIAN Mortean-RISANESE 0-1 (Gregorutti)

RIVIERA-TARCENTINA 3 -0 (Adami, Puppis, Spizzo)
PASIANESE TREPPO BIG KICK- 3-0 (Inalu, Galati, Buiatti)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Before And After Of Eyebrows Done


... said it all.

THE TIMES OF OLD BOY ON THE BRICK an Asian inflamed gums.
's perfect.

... apart from the angelus, 'is a successful week is not fucking important?
For once, I believe, lulled by the soporific back to full power laudanifico media, ready to bring justice, wisdom, INFORMATION.

I threw my mother's corpse in the toilet, I pulled the water, so as to leave it there, dirty and bulky. This is
my event.
I protest.
that Gaddafi is to shoot them.
No dances or songs.
Here are just straight line.
Here, there is an equality, not worth a fuck no.
My order is to weed out all the assholes who do not have the balls to serve in my beloved body.
All clear, filthy worms?
What the fuck, can not hear you !!!!!

In the initial segment of the film was successful in half (the second part is not applicable) is talking to the sergeant of the "worms" that will "serve" his "beloved body."
Hartman is dying of cancer, already heard the call of the cold earth, of earth black woman (in the sun 'as it pleased, it awakens the love). From
such terror of approaching death has sbarellato.
Crazed with fear.
Instead of talking to recruits he is making a speech to the worms that served its Beloved Body to ensure that the necrosis is very good with the expected results.

necrosis of the American dream.
I know it's bullshit.
Pretend that has said Ghezzi.
now is great, right?

Although his scripts were always drawn from existing books, he never invented his own from scratch, I always thought that Kubrick was ... Joe Diorio.
Shit, Stanley Kubrick was Joe Diorio, the messianic jazz guitarist. A paunchy
raccoon raccoon!
With this blog I ever car reveal important truths.

appreciate the efforts of the pope.
is a very nice person, sensitive. Empathic.
It takes a lot of honesty, will, without realizing how things are in the world outside the Vatican walls billionaire.
I mean. In
sense is always talking about the need for dialogue, but does not look beyond his limited horizon gold plated Swarovski. He (It), his subjects are not able to communicate, communicate with others, demonstrated by the fact of the Middle Ages, the Inquisition, of repeated acts di pedofilia millenaria. Parlare di dialogo (metalinguaggio metadiscorso?), lui, loro che parlano di dialogo non mi sembra appropriato.
L'unico linguaggio che parlano è quello del cazzo.

L'unico ricevente del loro messaggio sono i buchi del culo dei bambini.

Io rispetto il papa, anche se lui non rispetta la fanciullezza del prossimo, sia infante o adulto infante nel cervello - se ti bevi le stronzate della bibbia, della chiesa, non puoi essere che un infantile paranoide scemo, altro che le sindromi schizo paranoidi bipolari da accanito seguace di David Icke.

Il parroco Brembate is concerned. If you do not find the body (whose?) Will necessarily have to blow off steam on the bodies of the living.
We are about to carnival time jokes. Having
conventional relations is not inherent to the spirit of the holiday, a bit 'as it happens in the macrobiotic philosophy, only vegetables.

difficult to say how he behaved the corpse of poor little Yara. The Commissioner admits that she found things "very important" - probably larvae with high heels and makeup -. Difficult to determine how long the deceased poor little Yara is dead, how long it took, in the act of committing defungere. The partially mummified body is
Partly skimmed milk.
With soy milk (the small, poor Yara was ehretiana). Soon will be available with embedded key piece of a larva of the poor little Yara.
I am against the manipulation of body, unless the manipulation does not is a necrophiliac with a regular card of Membership of condoms bodies.

However, if you take a look at the banner at the bottom right, you will find the address to buy the gadgets of the poor little Yara.

... now you go and see, eh?
Then the monsters they are ... If the puzzle

Saw existed, I'd be among the first on his list.
So I want to make a confession to you, my loyal readers excommunicated.

I'm not a nihilist, an angry, a disillusioned teenager nearly three decades.
are solar.
I believe in family.
I believe in values. In pig
the nonexistent god.
I pretend.

I write this because it's cool to be cruel and angry.
Maybe for me to write a blog of recipes or techniques to pamper poodles properly without pain or hesitation accuse these accessories.

Life is a flower; coglila.
Life is good, love her.
Life is an opportunity; Buy (LA).

No, seriously. They are like
de Andrè.
was cheerful, playful companion: "Well, I did those songs because ... because it was fashionable to be sad, happy in his own words.
... But he could tell us first, we would have reacted better to the events of the poor mouth Fellaz pink.
If nothing else, something stirred in the country. Rattled
so much to all the male sex. And a silent
station blues echoed in trousers disconsolate customers.
Without her were forced to fall back on the little bodies of the poor children.

Millions of high-definition screens are used as should not, Fiorello says.
Thank you, Flower.
With Mom can not talk. Santa
not talk to me. With your message
ho capito perché la bimba del piano di sotto urlava con un millimetro di schermo 33X65 che le spuntava dal deretano.

Chi elegge il prodotto dell'anno?
Il pezzo di merda del millennio.
... se lo dice lui... figuratevi... deve davvero essere il prodotto dell'anno...

Gheddafi, terrore, Onu, sanzioni... e il de profundis della Juve.
Da piccolo dicevo sempre: “Da grande voglio lavorare per sky”.
Ero un sapiente veggente.

Non ha senso.
Il “colonnello Gheddafi”; un colonnello che fa tutto quel bordello?
Chiamatelo “capo supremo totale totalitariamente indiscussamente assoluto”.
Che so?!
Come qui da noi, in Italia.
Si parla sempre di “premier”, “cavaliere”.
Il presidente della repubblica non conta un cazzo, vecchia tartaruga viscida con le macchie da fegato trapiantate nelle macchie da astinenza sessuale (maggiorenne).
Il “premier” dovrebbe essere chiamato presidente della repubblica; se comanda lui, perché affibbiare a un povero vecchio rachitico scemo malato un aggettivo che non gli compete?
I patiti della teoria del complotto avranno da parlare di manipolazione.
Io posso solo dire: auguro un ictus a tutti i cari dei presidenti, IN BLOCCO.
Quando li imboccherete col cucchiaino colmo di viscidi omogeneizzati, avrete da pensare ai vostri errori.
Un po' come il concetto di Justice of the filthy cock professed religions (only officially, I know you are fucking satanists).
Be ', that Satan put on his ass and salt spray us for eternity.
The salt on the wounds is the spice of life.

Young people today are disillusioned, they do not believe in the future, in the family. They're only thinking about the piercing be putting RFID chips for free admission to the disco.
not believe in democracy as I believe.

I believe in the insurgency, I believe in protest, in the armed struggle.
In the writings of CCCP. In the poetry of
adl122. Protesting

resolves everything.
Have you learned anything from history?
Complaints are murdered, But then things ... do not change.
Of course. El pueblo unido
will tramortido.
On the other hand, to be optimistic, a nice way to spend Sunday morning.

I protest against abortion: the unwanted children should have the right to life.
to suffer like everyone else.
Let them be born and, just understand something, tell them: - Ok, now that you're old enough five years to study prayer. Learn it all from memory. Now recite with ease. At the call center will be essential.



Sono tradizionalista, amo il passato, le figure di spicco che lo caratterizzano. Non credo al complotto degli Illuminati.
Penso che davvero ognuno possa fare della sua vita ciò che vuole. Non è vero che per muovere piede nella società devi baciare almeno seimila culi.
Io credo nel credere.
... ma questo è troppo anche per me.
Hitler, Stalin, erano come piace a noi; il genere snuff sarà sempre il più ricercato dal genere umano.
Baffone e Baffino ci davano giù pesante, strillavano, incarceravano, bruciavano, trucidavano e sperimentavano sulla rimanenza morta.
Quello che fa Berlusconi va oltre.
Lui lotta per i veri valori, per la libertà di poter comprare ciò che non ti serves.
reformist Catholics ... a bit 'like the vegetarian pork.

Freedom yes, but as long as you meet a handful of rules existential 'social.
A probation. Virtually

I would really like that there was hell than the one in which smelmiamo now.

... I feel like throwing up ... guilty of the strict diet of carbohydrates and fat pigs taken to grow my stomach for competition in 48 hours.
It is proving to be a failure. But I believe
I believe it.
Mom brings up another bucket of lard, I have to put on mass, it should be '!

There were screams, someone pulled out a knife and killed a 27 year old.
Now the police are looking for that someone.
Blaming someone is an anti-democratic.
re-propose the opening of camp, the ravines and fields of life Fides.
I say that those have never closed.
So there is still some value to hope for, in this dirty society. Viva

Jesus is alive with the Magdalene's uterus ("playground" for loyal fans).

In the apartment next to my living a frustrated full of disturbed mental disorders / mental flaws gaps.
still overwhelmed, subdued by the power of family in 40 years.
Today is a miracle. From the depths of the soul weary
pulled out a big voice powerful and began to list the reasons, in search of justice. I had a thrill, a shot of adrenaline. Finally he pulled out the balls to "protest".
I started to feel.
I did not understand what he was saying. The tone, the fervor, I just got so many emotions. He was listing the faults of his parents - must live with them because they are old and retarded, she feels guilty to leave them alone, has a very good job, good pay, could buy a house but he lives with his parents.
The tone became more and more manly, a cowboy from another time, a power, a cyclone of ideas and rights.
I swear, I was going to move - I live here for 15 years, I have always felt the opposite, genitori coalizzati contro di lui, parlando senza senso, accusandolo di cose che non esistono.
Udivo effetti audio da paura, forse stava anche prendendo a pugni il tavolo o il muro, e strillava, strillava.
Ho aperto la porta di casa per sentire quello che stava dicendo.
Era la telecronaca di una partita.

Come sempre, anche quest'anno, alla notte degli oscar vincerà il glamour.
Se vi interessa, dico la mia.
Come sempre, alla notte degli oscar vincerà la merda.
In breve: Social network è inutile, freddo, girato col culo, musicato col cazzo. Attori trasparenti, porcata leccaculo di un fenomeno che ha dato il colpo di grazia al genere umano - facebook ti rende più schiavo dell'eroina addizionata a regime totalitario ferreo.
The fighter è l'ennesima scopiazzatura di Rocky senza troppe emozioni, freddo e con l'interpretazione problematica anch'essa atta a ricevere consensi di pubblichetto (Christian Bale fa il classico ex pugile crackomane decaduto in cerca di rivalsa tra le palle del fratello minore).
Visto, rivisto, sentito, risentito.
Tratto da una storia vera.
Ecco perché non mi piacciono le storie vere; ormai la realtà è diventata troppo scontata.
Il film italiano in concorso... vabbe', è italiano: non è mafia, non è mangiare, non è mandolino, quindi bocciato a priori.
“Il discorso del re” non l'ho sentito ma mi sa di leccaculaggine (problemi tipo balbuzie, ritardi mentali, sono sempre tematiche da Canale5 domenica pomeriggio; non passeranno mai di moda).

Dei film in “gara” (si sa chi vincerà l'oscar dal 342a.C. però ci speculano come al solito) l'unico che davvero merita un premio...
A dirla tutta l'oscar non serve a un cazzo perché è freddo, programmato, parziale, minimalista nel senso triste dell'aggettivo come i film candidati.
Non mi vengono altri aggettivi.
Il film del 2010 che ha emozionato, scosso, fatto vibrare per musiche, fotografia, sceneggiatura, interpretazioni, montaggio, urina degli assistenti alla regia è Black Swan.
Un film così intenso non si vedeva da tanto e dubito che si vedrà.
Se proprio dovete buttar soldi per andare al cinema (scaricateli i film, mandiamo affanculo hollywood) andate a vedere il filmone-one di Aronofsky. Vale oltre il prezzo del biglietto.
Autentiche emozioni.
Da sobrio!

Notizie dall'estero.
È morto il papa della controversa setta, più d'ogni altra esistente a scopo di lucro Scientology.
Attacco cardiaco fulminante, mentre il venerabile rettiliano essere anima libera cercava d'estrarsi dall'uretra residui dannosi di Thetan risalenti alla prima fase della sua vita (0-12 anni).
Dall'aldilà, 'ov'egli vive e ripulisce gli angeli infestati, Hubbard esprime la sua incomprensibile ai più extraterrena joy: - Apparently a transition, in the mere fact a foolish your already planned completion in time. Rejoice, my faithful: just $ 6000 will separate from the state Clear. The E meter will be the means by which the caged human race will achieve liberation.
Over $ 200 deposit for the rental of each E meter.

It seems, today I feel at peace.

No, that is ... holes.
I know, you do not live with me.
I will try to summarize.
holes on the arms parents sgam them and then you no, no, no, not good.
The parents are attentive to all.
Underfoot become immortal. I do
of heroin under the soles.
The feet are connected with the heart, her lungs, as there tells the tale of reflexology acupuncture.
are not toxic, I hole just once a day.
I can handle it the way I want.
There was a problem.
I make a pear on the soles of the feet, remit socks, Walking, walking, but then I go gangrenous wound.
I have one foot amputee.
bucarmi Now I have to hang in the semi Appendix rhymed.
the syringe needle for insulin is small, pecking the vein that sticks out is painful, daily body weight presses on the vein that was crushed when I need it and I have to put a finger in to riallargarla, as is the tattered vagina whore Minister Carfagna.

Do not allow your children to be heroin.
let her sniff, smoke, but never shoot.
And if you need advice from someone who is going there, wait for at least the age of 6 years of age.
never before. Children too small can not enjoy the buzz. It would be a waste of heroin.
Today shtà the crisis that we must be careful to consumption, dear consumer.
No joke. I
pus coming out from the ankle.

I thought it was like in America, the process.
can exonerate himself, to hear your reasons. The lawyer makes the numbers.
But no, as usual in Italy no. There
story la storia del cazzo - chi mi segue da sempre sa di checcazzo parlo o forse no.
Un consiglio pratico.
La democrazia e la giustizia esistono, fidatevi.
Dipende da quanto siete pronti ad agire.
Bastano parenti e amici a far da testimoni.
Volete vendicarvi di qualcuno che vi sta sul cazzo tanto da desiderare di picchiarlo, mutilarlo, farlo soffrire per il resto della sua misera vita?
Fategli quello che volete.
Torturatelo, spaccategli la faccia con un randello spuntato.
Eviratelo, privatelo dei bulbi oculari.
Poi denunciatelo.
Siate veloci, denunciatelo prima voi.
Al processo portatevi tutto l'albero genealogico. Vostro e dei vostri amici.
Fategli sostenere che erano tutti presenti when the act occurred.
Let them say that it went as you said. You
you to win.
Think about it: you have the satisfaction of the satisfaction be removed by removing forever the smile issue in figliodiputtana AND YOU WILL ALSO GOOD.

Remember, the secret is to have amiciparentituttinsieme the witness stand.

Boycott rice "Flora".
I cooked brown rice in 'is kind of shit.
Looks good. Many
dark except for some grains.
not all integral whole.
... want to save money, mixing it with regular rice.
save you too: pork purchased elsewhere.
Make it organic. Otherwise
is bad for you - it contains much mucus, but cold.

Today's news on Google is the most viewed program of the semi-final de Filippi.
I know that today's young people no longer have real values, they spend all day in front of the TV or on facebook.
If you want to give real values \u200b\u200bto your children squartategli eyes and just start to cry somministrategli 23 tablets of Ritalin.
will be hesitant, as the tablets that the youth of today must have drawn like to take on something familiar, like Super Mario or Superman (or pink elephants, or Hoffman's double drop).
To not have let her in exchange for a refusal to take a nice Bacardi Breezer.
or at least a Red Bull.
drugging your children with their language.

What do you do once you've adopted a child from a distance?! The
write a letter a day - which ever read - that said: "Yes, I love you, but here it's all in hoes ... ah, yes, there have been worse. Behold, now I remember why I adopted. It helps me to feel less worse. Thank you for existing, I love you. "

The ship San Giorgio arrived in Catania.
alleged commander of the saint no trace of the vehicle.
already talking about "early saints at large." And now
crisis. The investigating judge of
think Terroni soon to take up the case, the time that her daughter stop to massage there.

Democracy existed when they discovered the phones and mobiles.

Have your say, pushing the green button on your Sky remote control decoder.
will help you feel better.
feel better, but not concentrated.
To take the Ritalin.

CLAIM YOUR sacrosanct right to be sedated.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Silver Plate My Blackberry

Arteniese - Aurora Buonacquisto: 0-0

ARTENIESE: Gritti, Lizzi, Forgiarini, G . Filaferro, M. Filaferro, Roi, Serafini, Perez Sosa (- Photo EnricaCollini - (Peak)), Martarello, De Monte (Nicole), Rodriguez, coach Poland.

Zero to zero with little emotion today at Municipal Artegna: a game between the formation of mid-table with bianciazzurri more careful to keep their distance unchanged with the bottom of the list.
We saw a few emotions, almost all concentrated at the end of the meeting, with guests perhaps only a little more proactive view of the situation was quiet but not too much classification, given the opportunity to enter the lot of formations that can aspire to play off.
This is a very interlocutory stage of the season, in which points the points are normally very more than does the mere mathematics and the point gained today is very useful to keep the mobile ranking and not too slow waiting for the approaching conflict in the near future: next Sunday the boys will visit to Poland of Mr. Torreanese that is struggling to keep attached to the struggle for the direct promotion, then will come the hot battles that will almost certainly be in the final verdicts, beginning Sunday, March 13 against the former Fresh Pagnacco and follow Cassacco and Riviera, the last in the standings but surely agguerritissime.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cheap Armless Sectional

Press: "The Messenger" - ed. On Line -

Another revolution, changing the queens

Exciting, but also uncertain. And 'the championship of the first category, that will not end this book fun twists to change the head of the charts one turn after another. On the sixth day of receipt, the Tower is back in the saddle of the group A after four rounds of leadership Nurseries license plate, while in Group B the Flaibano won for the first time the top leading teams at 4 in the last two months have exchanged over from leaders. All this, while in the rear is sgom to find good placements in the future play-off (Varmo, Gonars Lavarian Primorec and have made a step forward in this respect) or to avoid falling into quicksand di una classifica sempre più magra, come sta accadendo invece a Union Pasiano, Cassacco e Centrosedia.

Girone B. Il campionato saluta il Flaibano, quarta capolista dall’inizio della stagione. Superando per 3-1 l’ottima Pasianese, grazie alla tripletta del redivivo Tisot, i gialloneri hanno superato di una lunghezza la Buiese, fermatasi sul pareggio nel derby con l’Arteniese. «Siamo primi e anche con merito, ma il bello comincia adesso, sempre che i ragazzi considerino questo risultato come un punto di partenza e non di arrivo», ha detto il tecnico del Flaibano Gianni Pizzolito. Anche perché alle spalle premono per salire. Basta ask Gonars, now just two points from the third neocapolista trimmed after the 1-0 at the Riviera, or the Lavarian who managed to conquer one of the toughest courses such as Treppo Grande. Thus, the only remained dissatisfied and Torreanese Aurora, which have divided the mail is not without pathos in a frenetic finish. At the tail came signs of awakening from Cassacco who drew Tarcento.

Stefano Martorano

Hook Up Bracelet Colors

Youth Sector: press "Il Messaggero Veneto"

Pool A. Arteniese-Rive d'Arcano 1-3, 0-0 Blue-Gemonese, Pagnacco-Free Athletic 4-2 Rizzi A, Pro-Fagagna Buiese 1-2, Tarcentina-Tolmezzo Meat * 1-0, 2-4 Martignacco-OL3. Rank: Pagnacco 33, 30 OL3, Martock 28 Free Atletico Gemonese Rizzi A 24 23 18 Buiese Tarcentina 16 Blue Press. 15 Rive d'Arcano 11 Fagagna Pro 8, Arteniese 0. out charts *.

Pool A. Riviera-Gemonese 4-0, Buiese-Martock (nd), Cassacco-Tarcentina 8-1, 5-0 Fagagna Majanese-Pro, San Daniele-Tricesimo 2-0, Venzone-Pagnacco 2-2. Rank: Majanese 48, San Daniele 45, Blue 37, Buiese 34, Tricesimo 30, Cassacco 22, Gemonese 22, 15 Martock, Tarcentina 13, Venzone 11, Pagnacco 10, Fagagna Pro 4, Arteniese 1.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Elliptical Machine Causes Problems With My Router


THAT YOU ARE THIRTY YEARS IN ITALY, THE TWENTY YEARS YOU shoves NYMPHO OF Baral ... Do not have to learn our language.
... be ', not that you missed that much ...

DREAM THEATER are a great pain in the ass. I agree with many of public opinion (What sounds, usually ENTHUSIASM ABOUT THE GROUP NOT play an instrument).

deserves. I have not
OVER ALL. I HAVE READ THE STORIES Irvine Welsh, Dave Eggers, Zadie Smith and Nick Hornby: ALL really good.

If indeed there is other intelligent life forms in the universe?
Obvious. If
"blablablaperchénoncihannoancorainvaso, colonized, enslaved, usurped, smandrappato, eh, eh eh? Since
actually, objectively, objectively superior beings in at least 897 points of view, evolved beyond an exponent raised to a power exponential, evaluated all aspects of terrestrial life, such Festivalbar, Sanremo, after trying a real, profound sense of loss and pain, have been shown mercy in our slavish devotion to approaching a massive military campaign elsewhere.

It was not necessary any 'intelligence is to feel pity on us ...

No one pound their asses Sanremo since discovered that we can also talk with your phone, not only use it from anal stimulation (ahhhh, the old, phallic handsets).
12,360,000 viewers.
12,360,000 guilty. Just a small atomic
fired at random, in order to raise the ratings.

Barbareschi drop everything and take sides in a party mix.
likely explanation?
Instead of Sanremo, last night Luke, alone at home (his wife went to a weekly poker game with friends), has run frittatone prepared with onions, hath been uncorked the Peroni family and was revised for the second time in his life (the first was just released) Cannibal Holocaust. Once you have identified as
behaved towards the famous tortoise beheaded with a machete, roofless and quartered with a smile on his mouth, he understood that in him there is a power far beyond his imagination a bit 'blurred.

Deafening silence: not felt by almost everyone was convinced that to be free in earnest.

I know you readers, I know your relatives, friends, people who serve as the backdrop of your life. Not ho familiarità con le vostre abitudini, i vostri pensieri.
Non ho familiarità con le vostre famiglie.

Qualcosa in comune ce l'abbiamo e posso permettermi un pizzico d'intimità.

Una domanda di una, massimo due volte nella vita. Poi stop, per comodità esistenziale.
Una sola domanda.
Tutti ce la siamo fatta.
In questa sede, ora qui, la ribadirò.
Ansioso, attendo una Vostra risposta.

Per espellere le accumulate purulenze dall'organismo, ci vogliono pochi istanti, il tempo di una contrazione dei muscoli facciali addizionata all'abbandono catartico dei muscoli sfinterogeni. Sommandoci il tempo occorso (a volte) per reprimerla, causa mancamento di servizi usable toilets for miles, we can get 2, 3-minute time. Futile
say, the speech does not apply to the constipated.
The question is why some people manage to stay in the bathroom up to a quarter of an hour?
One spends all that time but there is not that shit all the time you're there.
Precious time, can be used in many different ways, most of the building to sit and wait for a nice thing that, oddly, comes immediately, meets for a few seconds, then reappear in a few hours without the previously discreet kindness ostentatious.

I'm shitting on him because my father wants the best Gazzetta dello Sport.

As for those who experience, either for animals or for the freedom you deserve all the beatings you have taken.

The only, only, true, functional protest to stop. Block
economy seated.
not turn on the TV, do not buy useless crap. Go to work on foot.
... can beat this?
The important thing is to participate.

Tangentopoli Affittopoli, porcodiopoli. The loved ones who invented some new words should tetraplecigizzarsi, ranges up to 130 years behind him the inventor.
Only then will we talk about justice.

Afghanistan: I hope with all my heart that every child is worth the brain crushed opportunities bankers who will be free to buy what they like, with light-heartedness and gaiety in the heart.

Boom rich in China next year will earn an average of 30 thousand dollars a year.
Take it around on, come on, forward. EHHHHH, eat cats, five hello lin, brus there are low, fri, fri fri, the day that I see an Italian called "master" will be an Asian for the first time in my life, so pleased and hope to stop drinking to live 1000 years to enjoy the total submission of the Italian race below.

Yes, today I am very angry.
I have my things.

is a rare disease. Sanguino dal di dietro.
Se ci pensate, non è poi così rara; l'abbiamo preso in culo tutti, senza lubrificanti. Perciò...

Tante, tante, tantissime televendite nella sua amata televisione.
Proporrei una petizione per cambiargli appellativo: PRESIDENTE DEL CONSIGLIO PER GLI ACQUISTI.

Per darvi un'idea di quanto lo standard si sia abbassato.
Secondigliano. Un tizio ucciso da agguato della camorra.
Non sono tanto gli “agguati” a rendere un essere vivente cadavere, tanto meno un sostantivo come “camorra”.
Chi preme il grilletto funge da tramite tra il vivente e il regno dell'oblio.
Quanto alla notizia, che dire?
C'era davvero bisogno di Saviano per capire che la camorra è una multinazionale come la coca cola o merdate simili?
Il picco basso dello standard si raggiunge dando una notizia del genere.
Morire uccisi a Napoli è come avere la diarrea dopo aver bevuto 3 litri di latte scaduto.
Proporrei una rivalutazione storica dando un nobel per la fisica al sottovalutatissimo scopritore dell'acqua calda.
Se ci danno notizie simili lo standard ha smesso di esistere, perciò bisogna chiedere giustizia per i vecchi, esclusi, ingiustamente tenuti nell'anonimato geni incompresi.

Unità d'Italia... detto tutto.
Nel palazzo di fronte al mio abita una famiglia composta da pater familias arrestato 5 volte per violenza su minori e animali minorenni, spaccio di sostanze stupefacenti (beccato con 200g. di crack per uso personale), mater familias pluri picchiata che si quotidianamente si sfoga coi figli spegnendoli sigarette sulle guance, le cui bruciature sono, per la cronaca, state provocate da una caduta dalle scale che avviene dalle 6 alle 37 volte la settimana.
Loro sono molto più uniti dell'Italia, eppure nessuno fa una festa in loro onore.
Li arrestano.
... l'avevo detto che non è una vita giusta...

Napolitano impaziente di vedere le celebrazioni dell'unità... un po' lo capisco.
Tutti i vecchi bavosi falliti e schifosi col catatere divenuto parte integrante del proprio organismo amano guardare gli altri che fanno cose senza senso.
Senza capirle.
Ricorda un po' gli anziani che passano ore a vedere gli operai del comune mentre fanno lavori stradali.

A Foggia un PREGIUDICATO è stato ucciso per la solita lite in un locale. A parte ricordarci che solo noi terroni andiamo in giro armati (se vi sento dire che siete orgogliosi di essere terroni vi auguro mille anni di vita per continuare a soffrire) i media m'hanno fatto pensare ad altro.
Un termine ri-polarizza il significato REALE della notizia, facendoci capire dove stanno davvero andando a parare i manipolatori.
Cosa vuol dire “pregiudicato”.
Pregiudicato è qualcuno che sta aspettando di essere giudicato in un processo, sia uno spacciatore o qualcuno accused of fouling the balcony downstairs (I did not have invented; sporcatore him on the floor below me, yes, I have complained to the crumbs from the tablecloth ...). Before the trial
six affected.
does not mean Nazi criminal murderess, as soon as we think we have to associate the term with something necessarily negative.
He was killed with a process to be served behind, and the public is now perceived as bashhhtardo.
Why do you say that was affected?
Does it matter now that he's dead?
I've played, "Oh well, 'sti cocks, a stranger is dead, but was affected, so' sti cocks twice cry for more news more poignant. "

The other night I saw ten minutes of Mystery or how the fuck you call (it was my buddy David Icke).
I think a program led by the likes of Raz that guy and another crew of Americans is fake fake hypocrites careful to human reason.
Really, never seen anything more ridiculous. Then do
sboroni gassed by the power of the pack, saying that Troll 2 is the worst movie in history.

The worst film of the story are the lives of some assholes.

We realize that the life of Mr Berlusconi has become more important than ours? Come tutti voi, prima di andare a letto, ogni sera dico una preghiera per salvare l'anima di Silvio.
Non volevo confessarvelo; sono diventato credente l'altro ieri.
Sebbene chi mi conosce sa che non ho mai creduto alle millenarie stronzate popolari dei pedofili con la tunica.

Perché anche qui da noi non uccidono qualcuno?
Voglio vedere il mio paese al TG ancora una volta; le altre 4.356.346.927 volte non mi sono bastate.
Il consumismo non conosce sazietà.

Tra i video più visti di iutub ci sono i tutorial di meickapp (non è tedesco; in russo significa “donne che tentano di essere femminili colorandosi il corpo come fanno le addescatrici per guadagnare un centone extra).
Saranno sul serio le donne a guardarlo?
Mmmmmmm. Vedo milioni di smanettoni, confezione formato famiglia kleenex alla mano, una stanza buia illuminata da un LCD da Mediaworld.
... poi quando vedono una truccata in maniera appariscente dicono “guarda 'sta mignotta...

Se mamma m'avesse picchiato un po' di più...
... ora non sarei qui.

Patriottismo nel 2011... a scuola c'inculcavano che il medioevo era finito.
“A scuola c'inculcavano” ... sostituite la C situata a due posti, verso destra, dopo la I...
Quello ci hanno fatto.

Ci occupiamo solo di problemi irreali.
Digitando su un motore di ricerca “satanismo da discount” verrà fuori che nessuno ha osato scrivere che milioni di persone giocano a fare i satanisti perché fa figo (solo in un mondo di cazzoni come il nostro).
Ecco, ora ho scritto e riscrivo SATANISMO DA DISCOUNT così, a singolarità tecnologica avvenuta le macchine impareranno dal nostro sapere anche queste cazzate.

Per Glen Benton gli scoiattoli sono solo topi con la coda più bella.
E s'è pure fatto marchiare a fuoco una croce rovesciata sulla fronte.
Quando si presenta ai colloqui di lavoro per ottenere un impiego in un call center... come fa'?

Ridi pagliaccio, ridi del duol che t'avvelena il cuor.
Immaginate una scena à CSI (one of those shots made to the computer, ultra-detailed, what happens in the body of a poor man / victim in the episode ... I would say victim 'of the' episode).
A heart flooded with poison, rotting slowly shrinks forever. How does he laugh
poisoning, after it has also been given the clown?
I'll never understand the work. Maybe that's why I sucks.

The mask, from zero to myth.
repeat, only-in-a-world-of-balls.

Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo.
... Only in Italy ...

Must be satire, using humor to break down the ...
similar phrases made sense forty years ago, if a 6 years watching UFC fights and rapes the 13 girlfriends to put the movie in internet satire can only put you in the ass. And

us to put the movie on youtube.

Yes, I hate gay people. Monster
ignorant bigot full of prejudices?
parse differently. If you agree, fine.
Otherwise you fags.
NOT hate ALL piglianculo.
hate those who are fighting for certain rights.
... even more ignorant?
Marriage is a meaningless crap coming out of the psychopathic mindset plasma brain rot of pedophiles in charge of religious corporations from around the world shit.
Religious institutions ... very well not want to gay, so much hope that the slower, lasting agony FOR ETERNITY'!!!!
was gay (I'm studying to be) I'll knock the shit - literally and otherwise - of those who hate me, who do not accept me for who I am. I would think to live my life peacefully without "problems" exist.
you love someone?
Go there to live. What God has
need to know your cocks?
primarily because so much already know everything. In
secondis because he is a megalomaniac selfish son of a bitch. In Terzis
it does not exist. Think
I speak to you, straight.
I'm more focused on trans. Yet they do not want
me to enter politics. Other
that meritocratic society.

I want a woman, woman, woman, woman, woman with her skirt. Take
you, the one with the pea.
... notes ...
He also won Sanremo.
lot of sense.
And this time is to stay.

We do have family, institutions, our ego, why condemn those possessed by the devil?
not it be better to choose the lesser evil?

I believe in one God, Father onnimpotente, creator of things visible and invisible conceivable not protected by copyright. I believe in one Lord, even if there are many others, the only son of himself born a hermaphrodite the Father before all ages as well if there was anything, so how could he be no god before the creation there was nothing, however, even though he was himself always existed, created by the mother millennia since the advent of the projection self, as a long-haired dead jew killed by Mel Gibson. God from God, God of God, Light from Light, true God from true God, God God, God the second, separated from God for four multiplied by fifteen madonna begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father, the sacred sperm. Through him all things were created, and given this, do not dare to think "shit, I would have expected a bit more, should not be in top physical shape when we began hand there with creating them. " For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven without telling us what was the fare, and the Holy Spirit became incarnate as a nail of the foot of the Virgin Mary, living flesh like a ingrown hair between her tits mother became man incest. He was crucified for us under Pontius the bald man, died and was buried, and the third day he rose again as he could not even Van Damme action movies in his most dramatic, according to the Scriptures, according to books written by those who do not know almost a century after his allegedly coming up to heaven millennia before the invention of the shuttle, and at the right hand of the Father then is still himself, "Bipolar schizophrenic, "by definition textbook of psychiatry. He will come again in glory, will be on the mouths of babes, to judge the living and the dead and the X, and his kingdom will never end, not even when the earth will explode and the aliens will wonder how, with millions of planets available he scegliette just the most unlucky to make his performance to be Steven Seagal invincible, immortal. Tireless. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the teeth fairy, Santa Claus, came before the Coca-Cola would create in his image and wickedness, and drink a bit 'all the bullshit of heaven and earth, visible and invisible, preferring invisible the Lord, the giver of life at the hands of those who fucks procreate, proceeds from the Father and the Son, as from point A to point B, it is with the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified, has behind him a family can provide many, many recommendations, and has spoken through the prophets which realized a good 3% of the whole matter.
I think the Church all'omertà, honesty Ronaldo hypothyroid and obese, the church, the church, ahhhh, the church, one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church all together. Excellent curriculum, son. We acknowledge one baptism, even though sometimes I would want to do it again, the first had not come good for the remission of sins that I committed before coming to the world, with no real chance that you could commit as yet not embodied in corruptible flesh.
And look for the resurrection of the dead sitting on the toilet.
look for the life of the world to come.
Waiting for the eternal glory.
Waiting for the eternal peace.
look a bit 'all.
And I'm bored.

disturbing, not remembering what happened last night and remember a kind of papyrus.
think that the catechism force us to buy the workbook. It cost ten thousand francs.

imagine my gasa: the workbook of Jesus
I could become lean and athletic as the holy father.
But then times changed.
change the stereotypes, and I with them. I abandoned the idea of \u200b\u200bfollowing the exercises because of Jesus uscì “300”. Pensai che Gesù non era poi così tonico, muscoloso e definito come l'attore Gerard Butler nei panni dell'inarrestabile Re Leonida.
Il libro degli esercizi per avere il fisico di Gesù era diventato demodè.

Le battute sugli ebrei sono cattive.
Però fanno ridere.

Oddio, padre iper potente, super dotato, sto per partorire uno stronzo... ne sta venendo un'altra... no, ti prego, non farmi dannare, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Gloria a Dio nell'antro dei cieli, e pace in terra agli uomini di buona volontà, raccomandati e non. Noi ti lodiamo, ti benediciamo, ti adoriamo, ti glorifichiamo, ti rendiamo grazie: stèmo sempre a pensà a te. A fa le cose pe' te. Per la tua gloria immensa, signore Dio, Re del cielo, proprietario della Bayer. Signore, Figlio unigenito, Gesù Cristo, Signore Dio, Agnello di Dio, Castoro della madonna, paperella di San Giuseppe, Figlio del Padre (un po' tutti gli esseri viventi), anche se tu sei figlio di te stesso, tu che togli i peccati del mondo senza sgrassatore, abbi pietà di noi, prova un po' di compassione, almeno una volta. Tu che togli i peccati del mondo, accogli la nostra supplica; assumici a tempo indeterminato. Tu che stai sempre a sedé co tu padre, abbi pietà di noi. E abbi un po di pietà anche per te stesso; dopo duemila anni ancora non sei riuscito ad andà via de casa e stai sempre appiccicato al culo di tuo father. For you alone, the Saint, before Val Kilmer, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High that you refused to play in the NBA Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit ... I have to say that there is' co'm holy spirit, eh?
However, you always dear. Greetings from the Valle d'Aosta Roman. Amen.
I think this will cost me another 9 eternity in hell.
Sentences to be served in the afterlife are a bit 'like the pain of the here and they give you in court. Have you ever heard such trifles, "Sentenced to three life sentences?". Feeling for the first time, a child I imagined that once he died in prison, they leave you to rot until I wore out the bones, how do you serve three death sentences? Since
damnation is assured now more than a place in the bank, I continue my way on the boulevard of memories.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, to buy cigarettes when you return home. Make sure no recourse to your patronage without which you do not issue the tax receipt to beg your help, or ask your protection, as a good pimp who piously six. Before I went to do 'summer vacation, do not forsake. Inspired by this confidence (after last year semo become more intimate, eh?), So in thee, O Mother of my father and my mother, O Virgin of virgins, oh my Maitresse, you come in you come. Come on you. And a contrite sinner, innanzi a te mi prostro. Puniscimi, frustami. Sculacciami. Dimmi che so' stato cattivo. Chiamami Rudy Rudy. Non volere, o Madre del Verbo e nel predicato nominale, disprezzare le mie preghiere, perché ti sto pagando in contanti. E vedi di non fare filmati di nascosto così da ricattarmi col padre. Amen. E niente mancia.
Dalla prossima viene fuori chiaro da dove provenga l'ossessione che i preti hanno nei confronti del sesso. Fateci caso: 'sti cattolici stanno sempre a pensare a “venire” di qua e di là. Contro uomini, contro donne, contro bambini.
Manco Rocco Siffredi può competere con la forza lavoro dell'industria cattolica.
Vieni, Santo Spirito, riempi il cuore dei fedeli e non solo quello, visto che you pay for you to come on command. Light the fire of your love (as even Jim Morrison was inspired by the holy scriptures?). Come here you, or at least, send your Spirit, who takes his place, Lord, for a new creation. And renew the face of the earth, the cheekbones of the earth, with your holy power of cosmetic surgery label. Let us pray: O God, who enlightened the minds of your faithful by the grace of the Holy Spirit, using a secret agreement signed with Enel. Allow us to enjoy more of the light generated from renewable resources, health, safety and the environment. Through Christ our Lord.
... and p 'we gniende?
do not have to feel used, I use the blog to vent, as would a pimple on your pretty face. If we want to tell it like it is, a pimple is not of his own free will. He was born from your debauchery. Do not hate what you have created dall'impudicizia, nell'impudicizia, for immorality. Accept it for what it is, even if it is a pile of waste matter. Even
pimples are entitled to their rights, no?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How To Make Hard Fudge


cold, vacuum, REDUCED, commonplace, OUTPUT, PLASTIC, ACADEMIC, music with ASS, Acting Like hell.




I've decided.
While pressing problems threaten economic my own peace I will not give my dog \u200b\u200bdaily to the Asian market, which it wants to act as a dish.

For those who do not know me, from 3 lines quassopra is' out-clear mist that are just as polished and erudite professors know how to shape school tomorrow.
And I'm proud.
Thanks Mom, those bloody seven thousand euro have earned up to the last abortion.

I am against abortion, I love to see children suffer.
Concepiteli and then teneteveli.
Let them grow according to your ridiculous beliefs.
Privatel not the luxury of not being born.

on sky (it is a perversion of my parents) send music 60s. Keep abreast
with the times, damn it! We
in 2011: strafatevi of Ritalin, put everything in the hands of X, atteggiatevi managers and dates of the next blame your failure.

is how it's done.

'm not Nostradamus but I predict that within 2 weeks (the bet is valid, as the archangel said Mephistopheles asshole in that movie beyond Murnau taken from the graphic novel by Alan Moore and there Gòòòòte German), I said before the brackets capable of to show the public is not interested in paying me awesome movie, I predict that within two weeks of a stroke in the prime of life.

The greatest demagogue in history (along with Hitler) had never falter during the speeches fool unsuspecting populace.
now faltering, Tartaglia says things less sensible than usual, making faces ass awesome.
Berlusconi is the embodiment of neo expressionism film.
is the overture of a stroke.

A stroke that is to do justice.

I read on the internet: "I've had psoriasis but it disappeared as snow."
Once, under LSD, I have even gone to the inferiority complex, therefore, trust that is bullshit.
Once you have psoriasis is like when a politician becomes a Mason.
Once you're inside you forever.

Iron fist in Algiers?
must hurt, a closed hand up the rectum.
Brrrrrrrr, pain.

The cry of Tahrir Square: "We will stay here."
Be ', what to say?
Cover up, it's cold at night.

La Russa has the face and brain from shit eater. In common with collodion
Mangiafuco The Russian hoarseness caused by repeated swallowing hot substances and face ... by asshole.

I think this world can be changed by love, understanding, forgiveness and respect.
abolishing the concept of race, money, the m. ..
Yes, yes, it starts in a couple of minutes after the ads.
Yes, yes, ah, no, yes, I can not wait.
Yes, yes, I'll call you later on, is beginning Fame.
I said? Anyways
',' sti cocks.

Now that the twins (who?? We are 6 billion) were lost will never experience the thrill of degradation to achieve a precarious position in a call center to pay for provigione.
Liberation, I think.

is a fucking soap opera (like the rest of the news).
Every day is a new part out to quench our thirst for voyeurism news - this explains the success of the 70 sexy comedies, we are a people that enjoys spying from the lock for fear of facing the situation in person -, mo and it turns out that in a letter to daddy of twins had written: - I am crazy and sick.
A fool who is conscious AND EVEN ADMITS to be mad and sick to say that is the way of healing.
I would say that "it was" (I use the past tense since deceased) on track to recovery.
However, there is today no longer matters.

you like best Beverly Hills 90210 or Merlos Place?
I do not know where to take sides, at that time I only remember the priest who said it was for my own good and that I should not tell anyone else Jesus would have thrown in the flames for eternity.
Got it?
are undecided for fear of fatal burns. The
thirst is everything, image counts.

Gynecologist kills husband, then killed himself.
left a note: - It is said that because I make my living watching others pussies
you can do the same. Ammonite
for grammatical errors by ticket-requiem.

A wise man once said ... said many things.
shame that the people he slammed his balls, you buy the digital terrestrial.

The digital terrestrial decoder is not: it is the metaphor of the average world citizen.
We digitized land.
Certain people, if "the phone did not take", takes the panic attack. I
attacks panic came when I began to realize that the meaning of life is that life has really come up with a way so as to grow, create more cannon fodder, to spend time with fun activities and unpaid become a cluster of proliferating larvae.
lucky that the gentleman had made us in His image and likeness, and I know that was a bastard child, 'I'm' sir '.

... I love progress.

The difference between premier and god?
Who receives the most - in terms of glory and money - do not know.
All I know is that the values \u200b\u200bof family and country are inestimable importance.
So, when the background of my little ass Luigino - 3 years - with the flagstick from the rusty side, I have every respect for the necrotic Napolitano's ass, and tell him to tell the teacher who fell down the stairs.
Otherwise the woodpecker. It does not seem

quassopra crap but we had a sense of anti-militarist.
I am anti-military.
Yet those who appreciate soft.
Only when you are hurt.

Sometimes I wish that God existed, and not just to have someone to blame.

are not poisoned, for giving us the antidote ...

should do like in Egypt.
square off on a screaming aitrhjaoèhtèoaihtèaorhtèoaerhtèoaehi, then rejoice when Pharaoh resigns and your life is in the hands of the army.

If we think is a bit 'as in Italy. Total
, unassailable freedom of choice! There
Trust me, there.
choose: either the Duce or multinationals.
is why I am proud of my freedom.
Freedom to buy what I like.

Ferrara - the fat ass fat Chiesara racist and close to death from overweight - defended her poet / employer with a loud voice.
"undermine the fundamental of all freedoms, 'the principle of democracy, fail to PRAIVASII E' a crime." We

a bet? When
force us to slap between thumb and forefinger an RFID microchip Giuliano Ferrara will be the first to talk about security and democracy in danger.

FEELINGS: without action is when you can feel.
That is, when you do not act.
very Buddhist concept.
The road to salvation is there.
become Buddhists.
is one of the few pleasures left untaxed.
're free, why can not you see? Why
the member of you 'Father m'ottenebra the trachea.


I lost the thread.
I found the first thread I had on hand.
Era quello d'Arianna.
Morale della storia: mi stavo a fa' i cazzi miei, ho preso il primo filo a portata di mano (con le mani) e mi so' ritrovato a fa' cagnara co' uno stronzo col corpo da stronzo e la faccia da bufalo.
E so' dovuto pure passà per un labirinto.

... l'avesse scritta Borges verrebbe ulteriormente divinizzato...

Il “concetto chiave” funziona non quando è valido.
Dipende da chi lo espone.

... non è tanto “da chi”, quanto la sua fama.

No, no, no, non sta accadendo, no, non a me, non sta accadendo a me, è tutto nella mia testa, è tutto nella mia testa, non è vero.

I know is that Napolitano m'inquieta.
not know where to begin stains caused by liver cancer i in the march started. Still

events in the square. Signs with
ITALY IS NOT 'a brothel.
... Codd, the first time I was seriously deluded!

We attach too much importance to our lives, suggest a mass suicide.
The only thing I'm sorry, dead, and lose the incredulous expression of the owners of our existence. And who
mo sodomy? I think it would be their first thought.

I'm against the celebration of the unification of Italy.
is united Italy?
Certainly, in the Bausch fucking shit there's a lot of southerners and national brotherhood.
I am moved when I listened to the levels of ui ar d word for the first time.

Countdown to the festival of Morandi.
I must confess a secret to which I discovered that my testicles were no longer harmless, indeed, pregnant with strange goo, I masturbate 3 times a day (even when I have occasional reports).
I think, to ensure that the festival is conducted fairly, without complications, I'll make a foil, giving at least one of the three daily meetings with myself.

POPE: IF YOU COULD DO ask ourselves.
... was talking about facing a hyper ass background of a newborn infant just barely?

Moderate tones term or at risk.
... boh ... I do, the slow-witted.
Ah, ok.
Now the compensation claim.
Moderate tones or term at risk?
vegan diet or a bazzeccole ostracism.
more or less have the same emotional depth, no?

I never tire of repeating that become vegetarians.
now is a year that are vegan.
not eat animals.
torture is cool.
Why kill them when they may live for years of excruciating torture?
Think about it.

Better an egg today or gonorrhea in half an hour?

Case Ruby.
Jesus Christ in the pillory, in handcuffs, he admits to the press: - Yes, there is also my knuckle, but not lentils. Government-Fiat

table. A plan of 20 billion.
A plan for all that money, he knows what a beautiful sound.
mother of pearl buttons with gold-plated platinum?

Liz Taylor hospitalized in Los Angeles. Other
No sleep tonight.

Burma: the little you have 26 fingers.
the former director of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant swearing in front of the cameras: "'Catroia also co' ve the pijiate me?".

Prince William is getting married. Bettors are avid
their bets, trying to guess where the wife is accidentally killed, as happened to Lady D.
I do not bet because I only have the money to drink at Barcode.
But I think the divorce papers are ready.
Just a signature.

And again, facing the Arab world.
- Give us the right to have rights in the name of Allah and other crap devised a table for us to act in a free vacuum - the implicit message of the faithful (to 'I'm shit).

Emergency Lampedusa. Giuseppe Tomasi di
you can not excuse, since departed several decades ago.

Venice: Palazzo Ducale community wants.
Tarzan Jane wants. Christ does not want
... ma è vincolato da contratto...
E lo farà.
Lo rifà ogni anno; perché smettere proprio ora che ci trovava anche gusto?

Donne in 200 piazze.
Stanno dicendo, in massa, che ora è di moda essere single?
Oggi vado a dare una controllata.

Peccato che Rihanna farà un'unica data in Italia.

Cindy Crawford più bella che mai a 45 anni.
... chiccazo è sindi croffòrd?
Ma mi state a pià pe' il culo?
Boh, io non lo so.

Spettate un attimo, fatemi riprendere fiato.
Ho appena appreso che esiste
... è così che le malattie balzano da “superficiale” a "paroxysm terminal" at any moment,

Now we do a look, just to be sure the cancer does not heal.

shopping Guenda. The beautiful
Guenda go for shopping in downtown Milan wearing a leash a child of the third world and every time you stop to settle two fingers in my mouth (to keep the line) will allow the lousy pulcioso skeletal dipping a fingertip, just once every six sbigozzate.
concerned that the baby might gain weight. Adriana Volpe

pregnant after two years of marriage, the husband finally has run out before the explosion, the final tune.
And scored.
Of all the trans
what I was more horny Adriana Volpe.

Belen ousted by Bianca: Illuminati conspiracy?
I think the next book by David Icke will be focused on this event.

Federica Panicucci love shoes (and we agree, I too am a fetishist).
Mother "super feshon" (wants to fuck '? "I guess I never will integrate ...) denied the third pregnancy," No, enough, already mo mo lips as they touch me downstairs to the ground and it cago out another instead of piercing the labia majora me I can make 'directly' na wheel truck. "

Vladimir Luxuria back of the famous island with a skinhead and an Islamic fundamentalist.
We will see some beautiful ... unless the skin and leave the other struck down the mask-hard policy to woo the beautiful cock fitted.

Moira Orfei is living proof that death is an opinion.
Nothing more than a trivial theory.
Die if you choose to die.
If you show off, and do not give up, not defungi.

Calendars Best Sellers of 2010 were those of Christina Aguilera, Alena Seredova, Sara Varone, Nena Ristic.
think that morons at home are still thinking about my brother I guess!
not only invented the pussy, they also marketed.
Ahhhhhhhhh, as I love consumismo.

Calendario di Brigitta Bulgari.
Non ho resistito, ho ceduto, l'ho comprato.
Dicembre era difettoso: errore di stampa.
Una pagina nera.
L'ho portato indietro per farmelo cambiare.
“No, non è un errore di stampa: gennaio fa vedere le cosce, febbraio fa vedere gli occhi, marzo la bocca, aprile le orecchie, maggio le caviglie, giugno i capelli, luglio la fronte, agosto è dedicato alle gote, settembre alle mani, ottobre ai piedi, novembre alle ascelle e dicembre... al buco del culo”.
Era una foto effettuata dall'interno.
A volte mi vergogno della mia puerile ignoranza.

Una recente ricerca scientifica ha dimostrato che Briatore diventa more conscientious when it takes 14 tablets of Viagra on an empty stomach.

Why they call it English tea in India if the plunder from the colonies? It sounds like a Japanese advertising
reclamizzante "Italian spauguettis.
water on all sides. And it's not vaginal
No, no, no.

Phrase of the week.
attributed to one of seven evil ex tackled by Scott Pilgrim to get along with Ramona Flowers: - The first click you hear is me that the phone connection. The second click you hear is me who pulls the trigger. Hey, I tell you: the two minutes that separate me from you are two minutes I need to break your ass. Holy

of the week ... I do not know But I had a flash.
off the "O" becomes "Sant".
Anagrams, by adding an "A" the Holy word becomes "Satan".
why rotting cattle.
It was not the fault of the Troll, the saints are to send their crops to the dogs. We should abolish all

to suffer, 'sti sick bastards.

are undermining the roots of our individual freedoms.
If you do not know, in 2013 will come into force a law which will ban smoking at the age of 21. Without cigarettes the adolescent will have the flavor of lollipops and sugar; a depression Baustelle.

No, no, no.
Perché continuano a cadermi gli occhi (come successe a Bocelli) sulle notizie di Belen?
“Sono stata solo con due bastardi. Il mondo è pieno di Bastardi”.
Che vuol dire?
Belen fa i porno anche con gli animali?
Quanto al mondo pieno di bastardi, emerge l'elevata consapevolezza spirituale della nota shiogherl dal davanti slabbrato e il didietro abissoso.

Da grande voglio fare l'architetto di barriere architettoniche.

Anche le piante avranno le loro seccature?

Ho letto “Michela incinta”, mi sono alzato, ho aperto la porta, sono salito al piano di sopra, ho suonato il campanello, ho chiesto: - E' vero?
“È vero cosa?”.
“Sei incinta?”.
“No, perché?”.
“Ho letto su internet Michela incinta”.
“Vuol dire 'na sega, ci sono milioni di Michela”.
“Vaglielo a dire a 'sti curiosoni di merda”.

A Tokyo hanno manifestato in 100 all'istituto della cultura.
Povero preside; ha dovuto scrivere, di mano sua, 100 lettere con su scritto “Fanculo”.

Bubi conquista i giornali.
E Yoghi?
Lui guardava?
Guardava e basta?

Accessori dell'estate 2011: le borse di Louis Vuitton.
Non sapevo checcazzo erano.
Ho controllato su google immagini.
The girls are really ready to shell out hundreds of euro to those old bags old brain-damaged Geronte nurse 40 years?
A protest in the streets?
But I'd live there in the square.

Corona and photos of Bunga Bunga.
Bubi, Bunga Bunga, and I know that eventually Walt Disney has really monopolized the global culture.

Paolo Bonolis Hello Darwin port in China.
Hopefully, at least that, I do not eat.

Simona Ventura, and when you will not miss the breast cancer do not like the others. Not members of any sect.
In life you never had a shred of dignity.
Guadagnatela least the last moment.

World hunger?
If the good of humanity (through multiple tiers) sacrificed Jerry Scotti, world hunger would be solved. From that
trippone us out too sweet and killer coffee.

Gossip, scandals, scandals.
The only real scandal is that it is not mandatory death penalty.