Sunday, February 27, 2011

Before And After Of Eyebrows Done


... said it all.

THE TIMES OF OLD BOY ON THE BRICK an Asian inflamed gums.
's perfect.

... apart from the angelus, 'is a successful week is not fucking important?
For once, I believe, lulled by the soporific back to full power laudanifico media, ready to bring justice, wisdom, INFORMATION.

I threw my mother's corpse in the toilet, I pulled the water, so as to leave it there, dirty and bulky. This is
my event.
I protest.
that Gaddafi is to shoot them.
No dances or songs.
Here are just straight line.
Here, there is an equality, not worth a fuck no.
My order is to weed out all the assholes who do not have the balls to serve in my beloved body.
All clear, filthy worms?
What the fuck, can not hear you !!!!!

In the initial segment of the film was successful in half (the second part is not applicable) is talking to the sergeant of the "worms" that will "serve" his "beloved body."
Hartman is dying of cancer, already heard the call of the cold earth, of earth black woman (in the sun 'as it pleased, it awakens the love). From
such terror of approaching death has sbarellato.
Crazed with fear.
Instead of talking to recruits he is making a speech to the worms that served its Beloved Body to ensure that the necrosis is very good with the expected results.

necrosis of the American dream.
I know it's bullshit.
Pretend that has said Ghezzi.
now is great, right?

Although his scripts were always drawn from existing books, he never invented his own from scratch, I always thought that Kubrick was ... Joe Diorio.
Shit, Stanley Kubrick was Joe Diorio, the messianic jazz guitarist. A paunchy
raccoon raccoon!
With this blog I ever car reveal important truths.

appreciate the efforts of the pope.
is a very nice person, sensitive. Empathic.
It takes a lot of honesty, will, without realizing how things are in the world outside the Vatican walls billionaire.
I mean. In
sense is always talking about the need for dialogue, but does not look beyond his limited horizon gold plated Swarovski. He (It), his subjects are not able to communicate, communicate with others, demonstrated by the fact of the Middle Ages, the Inquisition, of repeated acts di pedofilia millenaria. Parlare di dialogo (metalinguaggio metadiscorso?), lui, loro che parlano di dialogo non mi sembra appropriato.
L'unico linguaggio che parlano è quello del cazzo.

L'unico ricevente del loro messaggio sono i buchi del culo dei bambini.

Io rispetto il papa, anche se lui non rispetta la fanciullezza del prossimo, sia infante o adulto infante nel cervello - se ti bevi le stronzate della bibbia, della chiesa, non puoi essere che un infantile paranoide scemo, altro che le sindromi schizo paranoidi bipolari da accanito seguace di David Icke.

Il parroco Brembate is concerned. If you do not find the body (whose?) Will necessarily have to blow off steam on the bodies of the living.
We are about to carnival time jokes. Having
conventional relations is not inherent to the spirit of the holiday, a bit 'as it happens in the macrobiotic philosophy, only vegetables.

difficult to say how he behaved the corpse of poor little Yara. The Commissioner admits that she found things "very important" - probably larvae with high heels and makeup -. Difficult to determine how long the deceased poor little Yara is dead, how long it took, in the act of committing defungere. The partially mummified body is
Partly skimmed milk.
With soy milk (the small, poor Yara was ehretiana). Soon will be available with embedded key piece of a larva of the poor little Yara.
I am against the manipulation of body, unless the manipulation does not is a necrophiliac with a regular card of Membership of condoms bodies.

However, if you take a look at the banner at the bottom right, you will find the address to buy the gadgets of the poor little Yara.

... now you go and see, eh?
Then the monsters they are ... If the puzzle

Saw existed, I'd be among the first on his list.
So I want to make a confession to you, my loyal readers excommunicated.

I'm not a nihilist, an angry, a disillusioned teenager nearly three decades.
are solar.
I believe in family.
I believe in values. In pig
the nonexistent god.
I pretend.

I write this because it's cool to be cruel and angry.
Maybe for me to write a blog of recipes or techniques to pamper poodles properly without pain or hesitation accuse these accessories.

Life is a flower; coglila.
Life is good, love her.
Life is an opportunity; Buy (LA).

No, seriously. They are like
de Andrè.
was cheerful, playful companion: "Well, I did those songs because ... because it was fashionable to be sad, happy in his own words.
... But he could tell us first, we would have reacted better to the events of the poor mouth Fellaz pink.
If nothing else, something stirred in the country. Rattled
so much to all the male sex. And a silent
station blues echoed in trousers disconsolate customers.
Without her were forced to fall back on the little bodies of the poor children.

Millions of high-definition screens are used as should not, Fiorello says.
Thank you, Flower.
With Mom can not talk. Santa
not talk to me. With your message
ho capito perché la bimba del piano di sotto urlava con un millimetro di schermo 33X65 che le spuntava dal deretano.

Chi elegge il prodotto dell'anno?
Il pezzo di merda del millennio.
... se lo dice lui... figuratevi... deve davvero essere il prodotto dell'anno...

Gheddafi, terrore, Onu, sanzioni... e il de profundis della Juve.
Da piccolo dicevo sempre: “Da grande voglio lavorare per sky”.
Ero un sapiente veggente.

Non ha senso.
Il “colonnello Gheddafi”; un colonnello che fa tutto quel bordello?
Chiamatelo “capo supremo totale totalitariamente indiscussamente assoluto”.
Che so?!
Come qui da noi, in Italia.
Si parla sempre di “premier”, “cavaliere”.
Il presidente della repubblica non conta un cazzo, vecchia tartaruga viscida con le macchie da fegato trapiantate nelle macchie da astinenza sessuale (maggiorenne).
Il “premier” dovrebbe essere chiamato presidente della repubblica; se comanda lui, perché affibbiare a un povero vecchio rachitico scemo malato un aggettivo che non gli compete?
I patiti della teoria del complotto avranno da parlare di manipolazione.
Io posso solo dire: auguro un ictus a tutti i cari dei presidenti, IN BLOCCO.
Quando li imboccherete col cucchiaino colmo di viscidi omogeneizzati, avrete da pensare ai vostri errori.
Un po' come il concetto di Justice of the filthy cock professed religions (only officially, I know you are fucking satanists).
Be ', that Satan put on his ass and salt spray us for eternity.
The salt on the wounds is the spice of life.

Young people today are disillusioned, they do not believe in the future, in the family. They're only thinking about the piercing be putting RFID chips for free admission to the disco.
not believe in democracy as I believe.

I believe in the insurgency, I believe in protest, in the armed struggle.
In the writings of CCCP. In the poetry of
adl122. Protesting

resolves everything.
Have you learned anything from history?
Complaints are murdered, But then things ... do not change.
Of course. El pueblo unido
will tramortido.
On the other hand, to be optimistic, a nice way to spend Sunday morning.

I protest against abortion: the unwanted children should have the right to life.
to suffer like everyone else.
Let them be born and, just understand something, tell them: - Ok, now that you're old enough five years to study prayer. Learn it all from memory. Now recite with ease. At the call center will be essential.



Sono tradizionalista, amo il passato, le figure di spicco che lo caratterizzano. Non credo al complotto degli Illuminati.
Penso che davvero ognuno possa fare della sua vita ciò che vuole. Non è vero che per muovere piede nella società devi baciare almeno seimila culi.
Io credo nel credere.
... ma questo è troppo anche per me.
Hitler, Stalin, erano come piace a noi; il genere snuff sarà sempre il più ricercato dal genere umano.
Baffone e Baffino ci davano giù pesante, strillavano, incarceravano, bruciavano, trucidavano e sperimentavano sulla rimanenza morta.
Quello che fa Berlusconi va oltre.
Lui lotta per i veri valori, per la libertà di poter comprare ciò che non ti serves.
reformist Catholics ... a bit 'like the vegetarian pork.

Freedom yes, but as long as you meet a handful of rules existential 'social.
A probation. Virtually

I would really like that there was hell than the one in which smelmiamo now.

... I feel like throwing up ... guilty of the strict diet of carbohydrates and fat pigs taken to grow my stomach for competition in 48 hours.
It is proving to be a failure. But I believe
I believe it.
Mom brings up another bucket of lard, I have to put on mass, it should be '!

There were screams, someone pulled out a knife and killed a 27 year old.
Now the police are looking for that someone.
Blaming someone is an anti-democratic.
re-propose the opening of camp, the ravines and fields of life Fides.
I say that those have never closed.
So there is still some value to hope for, in this dirty society. Viva

Jesus is alive with the Magdalene's uterus ("playground" for loyal fans).

In the apartment next to my living a frustrated full of disturbed mental disorders / mental flaws gaps.
still overwhelmed, subdued by the power of family in 40 years.
Today is a miracle. From the depths of the soul weary
pulled out a big voice powerful and began to list the reasons, in search of justice. I had a thrill, a shot of adrenaline. Finally he pulled out the balls to "protest".
I started to feel.
I did not understand what he was saying. The tone, the fervor, I just got so many emotions. He was listing the faults of his parents - must live with them because they are old and retarded, she feels guilty to leave them alone, has a very good job, good pay, could buy a house but he lives with his parents.
The tone became more and more manly, a cowboy from another time, a power, a cyclone of ideas and rights.
I swear, I was going to move - I live here for 15 years, I have always felt the opposite, genitori coalizzati contro di lui, parlando senza senso, accusandolo di cose che non esistono.
Udivo effetti audio da paura, forse stava anche prendendo a pugni il tavolo o il muro, e strillava, strillava.
Ho aperto la porta di casa per sentire quello che stava dicendo.
Era la telecronaca di una partita.

Come sempre, anche quest'anno, alla notte degli oscar vincerà il glamour.
Se vi interessa, dico la mia.
Come sempre, alla notte degli oscar vincerà la merda.
In breve: Social network è inutile, freddo, girato col culo, musicato col cazzo. Attori trasparenti, porcata leccaculo di un fenomeno che ha dato il colpo di grazia al genere umano - facebook ti rende più schiavo dell'eroina addizionata a regime totalitario ferreo.
The fighter è l'ennesima scopiazzatura di Rocky senza troppe emozioni, freddo e con l'interpretazione problematica anch'essa atta a ricevere consensi di pubblichetto (Christian Bale fa il classico ex pugile crackomane decaduto in cerca di rivalsa tra le palle del fratello minore).
Visto, rivisto, sentito, risentito.
Tratto da una storia vera.
Ecco perché non mi piacciono le storie vere; ormai la realtà è diventata troppo scontata.
Il film italiano in concorso... vabbe', è italiano: non è mafia, non è mangiare, non è mandolino, quindi bocciato a priori.
“Il discorso del re” non l'ho sentito ma mi sa di leccaculaggine (problemi tipo balbuzie, ritardi mentali, sono sempre tematiche da Canale5 domenica pomeriggio; non passeranno mai di moda).

Dei film in “gara” (si sa chi vincerà l'oscar dal 342a.C. però ci speculano come al solito) l'unico che davvero merita un premio...
A dirla tutta l'oscar non serve a un cazzo perché è freddo, programmato, parziale, minimalista nel senso triste dell'aggettivo come i film candidati.
Non mi vengono altri aggettivi.
Il film del 2010 che ha emozionato, scosso, fatto vibrare per musiche, fotografia, sceneggiatura, interpretazioni, montaggio, urina degli assistenti alla regia è Black Swan.
Un film così intenso non si vedeva da tanto e dubito che si vedrà.
Se proprio dovete buttar soldi per andare al cinema (scaricateli i film, mandiamo affanculo hollywood) andate a vedere il filmone-one di Aronofsky. Vale oltre il prezzo del biglietto.
Autentiche emozioni.
Da sobrio!

Notizie dall'estero.
È morto il papa della controversa setta, più d'ogni altra esistente a scopo di lucro Scientology.
Attacco cardiaco fulminante, mentre il venerabile rettiliano essere anima libera cercava d'estrarsi dall'uretra residui dannosi di Thetan risalenti alla prima fase della sua vita (0-12 anni).
Dall'aldilà, 'ov'egli vive e ripulisce gli angeli infestati, Hubbard esprime la sua incomprensibile ai più extraterrena joy: - Apparently a transition, in the mere fact a foolish your already planned completion in time. Rejoice, my faithful: just $ 6000 will separate from the state Clear. The E meter will be the means by which the caged human race will achieve liberation.
Over $ 200 deposit for the rental of each E meter.

It seems, today I feel at peace.

No, that is ... holes.
I know, you do not live with me.
I will try to summarize.
holes on the arms parents sgam them and then you no, no, no, not good.
The parents are attentive to all.
Underfoot become immortal. I do
of heroin under the soles.
The feet are connected with the heart, her lungs, as there tells the tale of reflexology acupuncture.
are not toxic, I hole just once a day.
I can handle it the way I want.
There was a problem.
I make a pear on the soles of the feet, remit socks, Walking, walking, but then I go gangrenous wound.
I have one foot amputee.
bucarmi Now I have to hang in the semi Appendix rhymed.
the syringe needle for insulin is small, pecking the vein that sticks out is painful, daily body weight presses on the vein that was crushed when I need it and I have to put a finger in to riallargarla, as is the tattered vagina whore Minister Carfagna.

Do not allow your children to be heroin.
let her sniff, smoke, but never shoot.
And if you need advice from someone who is going there, wait for at least the age of 6 years of age.
never before. Children too small can not enjoy the buzz. It would be a waste of heroin.
Today shtà the crisis that we must be careful to consumption, dear consumer.
No joke. I
pus coming out from the ankle.

I thought it was like in America, the process.
can exonerate himself, to hear your reasons. The lawyer makes the numbers.
But no, as usual in Italy no. There
story la storia del cazzo - chi mi segue da sempre sa di checcazzo parlo o forse no.
Un consiglio pratico.
La democrazia e la giustizia esistono, fidatevi.
Dipende da quanto siete pronti ad agire.
Bastano parenti e amici a far da testimoni.
Volete vendicarvi di qualcuno che vi sta sul cazzo tanto da desiderare di picchiarlo, mutilarlo, farlo soffrire per il resto della sua misera vita?
Fategli quello che volete.
Torturatelo, spaccategli la faccia con un randello spuntato.
Eviratelo, privatelo dei bulbi oculari.
Poi denunciatelo.
Siate veloci, denunciatelo prima voi.
Al processo portatevi tutto l'albero genealogico. Vostro e dei vostri amici.
Fategli sostenere che erano tutti presenti when the act occurred.
Let them say that it went as you said. You
you to win.
Think about it: you have the satisfaction of the satisfaction be removed by removing forever the smile issue in figliodiputtana AND YOU WILL ALSO GOOD.

Remember, the secret is to have amiciparentituttinsieme the witness stand.

Boycott rice "Flora".
I cooked brown rice in 'is kind of shit.
Looks good. Many
dark except for some grains.
not all integral whole.
... want to save money, mixing it with regular rice.
save you too: pork purchased elsewhere.
Make it organic. Otherwise
is bad for you - it contains much mucus, but cold.

Today's news on Google is the most viewed program of the semi-final de Filippi.
I know that today's young people no longer have real values, they spend all day in front of the TV or on facebook.
If you want to give real values \u200b\u200bto your children squartategli eyes and just start to cry somministrategli 23 tablets of Ritalin.
will be hesitant, as the tablets that the youth of today must have drawn like to take on something familiar, like Super Mario or Superman (or pink elephants, or Hoffman's double drop).
To not have let her in exchange for a refusal to take a nice Bacardi Breezer.
or at least a Red Bull.
drugging your children with their language.

What do you do once you've adopted a child from a distance?! The
write a letter a day - which ever read - that said: "Yes, I love you, but here it's all in hoes ... ah, yes, there have been worse. Behold, now I remember why I adopted. It helps me to feel less worse. Thank you for existing, I love you. "

The ship San Giorgio arrived in Catania.
alleged commander of the saint no trace of the vehicle.
already talking about "early saints at large." And now
crisis. The investigating judge of
think Terroni soon to take up the case, the time that her daughter stop to massage there.

Democracy existed when they discovered the phones and mobiles.

Have your say, pushing the green button on your Sky remote control decoder.
will help you feel better.
feel better, but not concentrated.
To take the Ritalin.

CLAIM YOUR sacrosanct right to be sedated.


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