Monday, October 4, 2010

Does Family Dollar Sell Tech Decks

Automatic layout

Crossmedia publishing

as a pager automatically catalogs and price lists and distribute them digitally on different media

The cross media publishing helps companies that recognize the importance of effective communication with its customers. Allows disclosure coordinated, timely, accurate, timely and of great impact .
Condition to use the Cross mean is that there is a version of the message "neutral" ie no formatting or reference to a target media.
The pure information in databases can be treated and managed in order to be set and subsequently used for the dissemination by any media: print, web, email, CD, DVD, video, etc..
The potential for cross-media spend, therefore, the existence of structured database of information for example to enable the ' automatic pagination of documents. This is a process to simplify and streamline the production of complex documents from a structured data source (database), dynamic graphical models (layout) and an appropriate application software (pager).
With this type of procedure, the result is a reduction economic resources and time necessary for the implementation and verification of documents.
The documents to be printed normally require the conversion to PDF of the press, and this is a first step towards a digital version of the document.
pdf classics but I do not provide specific functionality for consultation and interaction with the user. However there are services that enable the transformation of catalogs existing layouts or PDF documents (but also create them ad hoc) in multimedia and interactive solutions based on PDF format . In particular, we point and .
These solutions are the most effective per divulgare i contenuti dei documenti esistenti oltre che sulla carta stampata anche sul web, su supporti digitali, su video, su device mobili (iPhone, iPad, smartphone, ecc.) e su qualsiasi media che utilizzi una versione digitale delle informazioni.
Se vi interessa approfondire il tema della comunicazione crossmediale e dei possibili strumenti utilizzabili potete contattarci via email bianchet chiocciola .


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